The Fires Bulletin is a joint professional publication for U.S. Artillery professionals. The magazine is published bi-monthly.
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The proliferation of new and sophisticated conventional capabilities are emerging that are designed to exploit U.S. Army weaknesses. From unmanned aerial... read more
The proliferation of new and sophisticated conventional capabilities are emerging that are designed to exploit U.S. Army weaknesses. From unmanned aerial systems to being tracked across the electromagnetic spectrum, what is Fires role as the future of war becomes more and more reliant on networks of computers? The Nov.-Dec. issue will discuss fighting in degraded and destroyed operations; operational security liabilities; and training to emphasize cover, concealment, dispersion, and operating without emitting a signal.
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September-October 2019, Fires achieving joint, multinational interoperability. There are various levels of shared knowledge and capabilities across sister... read more
September-October 2019, Fires achieving joint, multinational interoperability. There are various levels of shared knowledge and capabilities across sister services, allies and partners. How is Fires successfully integrating on the battlefield? This issue will discuss employing centralized vs. decentralized Fires; conducting joint/multinational tactical fire direction; developing a common understanding with joint/multinational Fires assets/systems; developing and refining fire support plans and supporting products; improving airspace coordination and clearance of Fires and more.
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May-June 2019, Globally Integrated Fires. This issue will discuss topics related to the annual Fires Conference. In an expanded competitive space, Fires... read more
May-June 2019, Globally Integrated Fires. This issue will discuss topics related to the annual Fires Conference. In an expanded competitive space, Fires needs overmatch across the competition continuum. To do so, means globally integrating in joint and partnered operations across all domains. What steps are being taken to gain a common defense and a complementary capability with allies and partners? What technical and tactical gaps are present?