The newsletter for Joint Force Headquarters - New Jersey National Guard
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Guardlife Volume 43, Number 1
2 Operation Winged Devil: Prepping for JRTC
6 Airman’s ramp moves terminal
7 NJ Guard assists Albanian Armed... read more
Guardlife Volume 43, Number 1
2 Operation Winged Devil: Prepping for JRTC
6 Airman’s ramp moves terminal
7 NJ Guard assists Albanian Armed Forces in NCO development
9 Combat Archer
10 Championship Flyover
11 Ghillie Wash
14 177th hosts ICT training
15 Honoring Albanian World War II heroes
17 177th trains at Red Flag 23-2
18 The road to Best Warrior
23 177th leads Wings in joint training
25 Instruct, mentor, and collaborate
27 Train as we fight
30 44th IBCT leads JRTC rotation
33 112th hits “grand slam”
34 A Box within “The Box”
35 A tale of two battle buddies
36 21st WMD-CST trains in Camden
39 Protecting history
40 177th completes first POL Multi-Capable Airmen class
41 Cyprus National Guard visits 177th
43 New Jersey and Republic of Cyprus sign letter of intent
45 9/11 memorial dedication held at 177th
46 Same call sign, first flight
47 MK-22 familiarization range
50 NJNG Soldiers and Airmen help homeless veterans at Stand Down
51 Albanian Armed Forces tour JT2DC
53 177th deploys
54 MEDEVAC training
57 2023 Military Review
59 NJNG’s next chapter
61 Mortar live-fire exercise
63 Albanian Armed Forces welcomes NJNG
65 M136 AT4 training
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