The Maple Leaf is the weekly newspaper of the Department of National Defence Canada and the Canadian Forces.
Distributed worldwide, the newspaper covers news and features about domestic and international operations. It can also be viewed on-line at .
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Canadian Auroras return from equatorial counter-drug patrols • U.S. desert ideal for Afghanistan preparation • Canadian ships exercise with U.S. Carrier...
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Canadian military technician tops U.S. course • Canadian Navy to lead coalition task force • Life after "Jetstream" T.V. series
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The Shoot House • Personalized soldier dolls to comfort military families • The skirt will stay if CF women have their way
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Conduct after capture • JTF 2 offers new opportunities • T.K.O. in the first round! • Preparing for high intensity conflict environments in Africa
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Pushing back the insurgents • Canadian Private receives medal on behalf of all NATO troops • Canada-US Civil Assistance Plan established