Alpha Company, 304th ESB-E Provides Signal Support... 03.18.2025 | Photo by Saemi Chang U.S. Army Soldiers from Alpha Company, 304th Expeditionary Signal Battalion – Enhanced (ESB-E) establish vital signal support during Exercise...
Signal Support During Freedom Shield 2025 03.16.2025 | Photo by Spc. Megan Gaston U.S. Army soldiers assigned to U.S. Army Network Enterprise Center- Walker attend a brief at Camp Walker, South Korea, March 17, 2025. During...
Tower Inspection by 41st Signal Battalion at Camp... 03.13.2025 | Photo by Saemi Chang A U.S. Army soldier assigned to the 41st Signal Battalion inspects a communication tower at Camp Morse, South Korea, March 13, 2025. The...
A Co. 304th ESB-E sets up equipment during Freedom... 03.10.2025 | Photo by Spc. Megan Gaston U.S. Army soldiers from 304th Expeditionary Signal Battalion Enhanced (EBS-E) input information into a computer at Camp Yongin, South Korea, March...
C Co. 304th ESB-E Provides Signal Support During... 03.09.2025 | Photo by Spc. Megan Gaston U.S. Army soldier assigned to 304th Expeditionary Signal Battalion-Enhanced (ESB-E) leads a group of transports on Camp Humphreys, South Korea,...
31tth Signal Command visit 03.05.2025 | Photo by Sgt. SHAWNEE VERCAMMEN U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Ray Phariss, the 311th Signal Command commanding General, run with the Soldiers of the 41st Signal Battalion, on Camp...
304th ESB-E M249 Qualification Range 01.26.2025 | Photo by Sgt. SHAWNEE VERCAMMEN U.S. Army Pvt. Omary Tuwano, assigned to Cobra Company, 304th Expeditionary Signal Battalion Enhanced, 1st Signal Brigade, fires an M249 machine...
USACISA-P Water Survival Training 01.23.2025 | Photo by Sgt. SHAWNEE VERCAMMEN U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Suzy Jeong from U.S. Army Communications Information Systems Activity Pacific (USACISA-P) conduct water survival exercise on...
A co, 304th ESB-E, Supports Freedom Shield 2025 03.12.2025 | Video by Saemi Chang U.S. Army soldiers from 304th Expeditionary Signal Battalion Enhanced bring signal support to the Ground Operation Command in Camp Yongin, South...
1st Signal Brigade Change of Responsibility 12.08.2024 | Video by Pfc. Megan Gaston U.S. Army Soldiers from 1st Signal Brigade participate in a Change of Responsibility ceremony, on Camp Humphreys, south Korea, December 9, 2024....
October Newcomer's Townhall 10.30.2024 | Video by Sgt. SHAWNEE VERCAMMEN U.S. Army Command Sgt. Maj. Nicholas Curry, Sgt. Maj. Christopher Kaufmann, 1st Lt. Annika Demint, Pfc. Naiyana Peterson, respectively, 1st Signal...
why 1st Signal Brigade 10.29.2024 | Video by Sgt. SHAWNEE VERCAMMEN U.S. Army Pfc. Emmanuel Gyasi, assigned to HHC orderly room, 1st Signal Brigade describes why one might want to join 1st Signal Brigade as a...
Why 1st Signal Brigade 10.22.2024 | Video by Sgt. SHAWNEE VERCAMMEN U.S. Army Sfc. Romero Thornton, the 1st Signal Brigade Equal Opportunity Advisor describes why one might want to join 1st Signal Brigade as a...
Why 1st Signal Brigade 10.15.2024 | Video by Sgt. SHAWNEE VERCAMMEN U.S. Army Spc. Thomas, assigned the U.S. Army Network Activity Humphreys, 41st Signal Battalion, 1st Signal Brigade describes why one might want...
Why 1st Signal Brigade 10.08.2024 | Video by Sgt. SHAWNEE VERCAMMEN U.S. Army Sgt. George Ruiz, assigned to HHC orderly room, 1st Signal Brigade describes why one might want to join 1st Signal Brigade as a future...
Why 1st Signal Brigade 10.01.2024 | Video by Sgt. SHAWNEE VERCAMMEN U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Keith Mackey,the Religious Affairs NCO for 1st Signal Brigade describes why one might want to join 1st Signal Brigade as a...
1st Signal Korean workers overcome treacherous... 01.09.2025 | Story by Saemi Chang A team of Korean local national employees at Camp Madison, a critical communications hub on Gwanggyosan Mountain in South Korea, worked tirelessly...
Staying Ready for Anything 05.21.2024 | Story by Pfc. Megan Gaston HHC 1st Signal Brigade conducted a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) range training, May 21, 2024 On Camp Humphreys, South Korea
READY Battalion Sets New Standard for Mission... 04.05.2024 | Courtesy Story The 304th Expeditionary Signal Battalion-Enhanced set a new standard for mission readiness and theater support in March 2024 by deploying more...
Warrant Officer Highlight, CW3 Fair from RCC-K 02.07.2024 | Story by Sgt. SHAWNEE VERCAMMEN Chief Warrant Officer Kenneth Fair has had a successful career in the Army. He has been serving for 12 years and held a total of 4 MOS. He is now...
304th ESB-E continues on the path of modernization 05.08.2023 | Story by Sgt. Noah Sladek 304th ESB-E continues on the path of modernization
Celebration of People 03.30.2023 | Story by Sgt. Noah Sladek 1st Signal Brigade celebrates its 57th Birthday on April 1st, 2023.
The New Mercury 7 01.09.2023 | Story by Sgt. Noah Sladek The 1st Signal Brigade welcomes its new Command Sergeant Major.
Wellness Wednesday (Sleep Practices) 02.03.2022 | Graphics by Sgt. Luis Solorio Good Sleep Hygiene practices are important to be well-rested and full of energy. This infographic contains multiple concepts with helpful...
Wellness Wednesday (Sleep Practices) 02.03.2022 | Graphics by Sgt. Luis Solorio Good Sleep Hygiene practices are important to be well-rested and full of energy. This infographic contains multiple concepts with helpful...
Cybersecurity Month 02.03.2022 | Graphics by Sgt. Luis Solorio October is Cyber Security Awareness Month Cybersecurity depends on people to keep systems secure and data protected. (U.S. Graphic Illustration...
Cybersecurity Month 02.03.2022 | Graphics by Sgt. Luis Solorio October is Cyber Security Awareness Month Cybersecurity depends on people to keep systems secure and data protected. (U.S. Graphic Illustration...
9/11 Tribute 02.03.2022 | Graphics by Sgt. Luis Solorio U.S. Army Spc. Pedro Kataku holds the American Flag in commemoration of the lives of those we lost in the attack on September 11 2001. (U.S....