Port-to-port delivery: The 1189th has the 464th to... 12.16.2013 | Photo by Lt. Col. Earle Bluff The operator of the RTCH carefully loaded a container on our mike boat, after the 464th crew ensured the boat is as steady as possible to receive...
And driving up we go... 12.16.2013 | Photo by Lt. Col. Earle Bluff Soldiers of the 441st Transportation Co, of New Orleans, LA hooked up a vehicle for slingload operations as part of their mission at SeaPort...
Conductors at the ready in Fort Eustis rail mission 12.15.2013 | Photo by Lt. Col. Earle Bluff Sgt. Oyango Burney, of Philadelphia, is a conductor/brakeman with the 226th Rails Company of Naval Weapons Station Earle, N.J., U.S. Army Reserve,...