235th Military Police Company Conducts Riot Control... 09.06.2024 | Photo by Staff Sgt. Caleb Minor Soldiers with the 235th Military Police Company, South Dakota Army National Guard, conduct riot control training at Range Road Armory, Rapid City,...
South Dakota National Guard Officer Candidate... 07.12.2024 | Photo by Pfc. Gabriel Skaggs U.S. Army Officer Candidates, Class 24-001, 1-196th Regiment, Regional Training Institute, South Dakota Army National Guard, detain an enemy...
South Dakota National Guard Officer Candidate... 07.12.2024 | Photo by Staff Sgt. Caleb Minor U.S Army Officer Candidates, Class 24-001, 1-196th Regiment, Regional Training Institute, South Dakota Army National Guard, conduct an Enemy...
South Dakota Army National Guard Band School... 02.05.2024 | Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Michael Beck Staff Sgt. Rick Larson of the South Dakota Army National Guard’s 147th Army Band, Mitchell, performs with his musical performance team, Drive...
South Dakota Army National Guard Band School... 03.13.2024 | Photo by 1st Sgt. Barbara Jensen Members of Full Battle Rattle, a musical performance team with South Dakota Army National Guard’s 147th Army Band, Mitchell, perform for...
South Dakota Army National Guard Band School... 02.06.2024 | Photo by Sgt. Isabelle Dickey Sgt. Sam Irish of the South Dakota Army National Guard’s 147th Army Band, Mitchell, performs with his musical performance team, SGT Rock, in...
147th Army Band plays with Spearfish Highschool Band 02.06.2024 | Photo by Sgt. Caleb Minor U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Dan Iverson, assigned to the 147th Army Band, South Dakota Army National Guard, preforms with the Spearfish High School band,...
South Dakota Guard Best Warrior Competition day 3 11.05.2023 | Photo by Sgt. Caleb Minor U.S. Army Soldiers with South Dakota Army National Guard, prepares for a ruck mark during the 2023 South Dakota Guard Best Warrior Competition...
Public Affairs Mass Communication Specialist 05.15.2020 | Video by Staff Sgt. Austin Pearce Discover what it's like to be a Public Affairs Mass Communication Specialist in the military and the many benefits the come with the position.
Improved Ribbon Bridge Crossing at Camp Gurnsey 06.16.2021 | Video by Staff Sgt. Daniel Ward Soldiers with the 200th Engineering Battalion conduct a bridge crossing with Improved Ribbon Bridge system. Since this section of river had never...
A thank you message from Command Sergeant Major... 07.11.2021 | Video by Staff Sgt. Daniel Ward Command Sergeant Major John Sampa, the 12th Command Sergeant Major of the Army National Guard, with a thank you message for the soldiers of the...
A thank you message from Command Sergeant Major... 07.11.2021 | Video by Staff Sgt. Daniel Ward Command Sergeant Major John Sampa, the 12th Command Sergeant Major of the Army National Guard, with a thank you message for the soldiers of the...
SGT Tyler Jones, Blackhawk Crew Chief; South Dakota... 06.14.2021 | Video by Staff Sgt. Daniel Ward SGT Tyler Jones talks about his day to day experience as a Blackhawk Crew Chief with Charlie Co. 1-189th Aviation Brigade Paste this code in...
Mass Casualty Training; Golden Coyote 2021 06.20.2021 | Video by Staff Sgt. Daniel Ward Staff Sgt. Shad Tenold of Charlie Co. 1-189th talks about the techniques used to improve Combat Medic and Flight Paramedic response to casualties.
Combat Engineers train with Explosives; Golden... 06.19.2021 | Video by Staff Sgt. Daniel Ward Soldiers with the 211th Combat Engineer Company of the South Dakota National Guard train on controlled detonation of live explosives to improve...
Conducting a Bridge Crossing; Golden Coyote 2021 06.17.2021 | Video by Staff Sgt. Daniel Ward Staff Sgt. Trent Miller is the raft commander for the 200th Engineer Company of the South Dakota National Guard. He oversaw the construction of an...
SDNG’s 235th Military Police Co earns coveted... 09.09.2023 | Story by 2nd Lt. Fiona Riley Members of the 235th Military Police (MP) Company received the Major General Harry H. Bandholtz Award at Joint Force Headquarters on Camp Rapid,...
153rd EN BN Hosts Annual Guard Experience Field... 05.06.2023 | Story by Sgt. 1st Class Oscar Valdez PIERRE, S.D. – The 153rd Engineer Battalion (EN BN) held its annual field training exercise May 6th at Oahe Dam, bringing the battalion...
152nd CSSB hosts first annual best squad competition 10.04.2022 | Story by Staff Sgt. Oscar Valdez The 152nd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion of the South Dakota Army National Guard hosted its first annual Best Squad Competition at Dakota...
Officer candidates celebrate graduation at Mt. Rushmore 08.02.2022 | Story by Sgt. Tyler OConnell KEYSTONE, S.D. – One hundred sixty-one U.S. Army National Guard officer candidates from 19 states, one U.S. territory, and the U.S. Army Reserve...
152nd CSSB Hosts historic Battalion-wide Field... 05.04.2022 | Story by Staff Sgt. Oscar Valdez BROOKINGS, S.D. – The 152nd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion hosted its first field training exercise, April 30 – May 1, at Camp Ripley,...
152nd CSSB Hosts Spring Shoot 05.02.2022 | Story by Sgt. Tyler OConnell CAMP RIPLEY, M.N. – The 152nd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion hosted their Spring Shoot, which allows those who are interested in joining...
Army National Guard CSM visits South Dakota Soldiers 07.11.2021 | Story by Staff Sgt. Daniel Ward The senior enlisted advisor of the Army National Guard visited South Dakota Army National Guard Soldiers at Camp Rapid July 11. Command Sgt. Maj....
Making realistic training with the art of moulage 06.22.2021 | Story by Sgt. Tyler OConnell GUERNSEY, W.Y. – Ground medics of the 153rd Engineer Battalion and flight medics of the 1-189th Aviation Regiment receive more realistic...
Staff Sgt. Jacqueline Fitzgerald 05.16.2014 | Courtesy Audio Staff Sgt. Jacqueline Fitzgerald talks to a her responsibilities in the National Guard and working as a broadcast specialist
Vehicles enhance capabilities 08.21.2013 | Audio by Staff Sgt. Jacqueline Fitzgerald Soldiers of the Afghan National Army 203rd "Thunder" Corps conduct improvised explosive device training with new Up-armored Mobile Tactical...
Engineers Complete Project 08.21.2013 | Audio by Staff Sgt. Jacqueline Fitzgerald The Afghan National Army 203rd 'Thunder' Corps opens a new freedom of movement training lane constructed by the newly formed ANA Engineer Kandak. ...
Corps welcomes commandos 08.20.2013 | Audio by Staff Sgt. Jacqueline Fitzgerald Members of the Afghan National Army and distinguished visitors gathered at a new military compound to celebrate teh opening of the newly formed...
Soldiers support soldiers 08.20.2013 | Audio by Staff Sgt. Jacqueline Fitzgerald Afghan National Army soldiers of the 203rd Corps Engineer Kandak construct a tactical operation center for their fellow ANA comrades, the 1st...
ALP Training 06.12.2013 | Audio by Staff Sgt. Jacqueline Fitzgerald Audio of Afghan National Security Forces officials and local government dignitaries gathered to celebrate the first class of Afghan Local Police...
ANA Detonate explosives 05.05.2013 | Audio by Staff Sgt. Jacqueline Fitzgerald Afghan National Security Forces train with each other to combat explosive hazards in May at Forward Operating Base Thunder, May 5, 2013. This...
River Crossing 06.10.2009 | Audio by Pfc. Michael Beaver South Dakota National Guardsmen can have two careers at once and balance their Soldier life with their civilian life.
Coyote Courier - 129th MPAD - 01.27.2020 01.27.2020 | Courtesy Publication Soldier’s first time in the field
Coyote Courier - 129th MPAD - 01.25.2020 01.25.2020 | Courtesy Publication U.S. Engineer Battalion trains with Polish Forces
Coyote Courier - 129th MPAD - 06.20.2018 06.20.2018 | Courtesy Publication The official publication of the Golden Coyote training exercise.
Coyote Courier - 129th MPAD - 06.16.2018 06.16.2018 | Courtesy Publication Golden Coyote training exercise, Golden Coyote 2018, GC2018, GC18, Coyote Courier, Golden Coyote
Coyote Courier - 129th MPAD - 06.12.2018 06.12.2018 | Courtesy Publication Official Publication of the Golden Coyote training exercise, Issue 1, Volume 34
Coyote Courier - 129th MPAD - 06.18.2017 06.18.2017 | Courtesy Publication Second Issue of the Golden Coyote 2017 training exercise publication, The Coyote Courier
Coyote Courier - 129th MPAD - 06.13.2017 06.13.2017 | Courtesy Publication The Official Newsletter of the 2017 Golden Coyote Training Exercise - Volume 33, Issue 1.
Coyote Courier - 129th MPAD - 06.22.2016 06.22.2016 | Courtesy Publication Golden Coyote training exercise - Coyote Courier Issue 3