Sgt. Todd Bevan, a Soldier assigned to 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, and Sgt. Efrain Luna, NCOIC of the Ready Company Combatives Cadre, Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 4th Infantry Division, talk about combatives and its' importance on Dec. 6, 2023, Fort Carson, Colorado. Combatives is taught to help prepare Soldiers for a situation where they are unarmed. (Video Product by Spc. Samuel Brandon)
FORT CARSON, Colo. – The Army is an organization that views its Soldiers and their families as important and essential assets. It is willing to take the steps necessary to maintain clear communication between leaders and their Soldiers, so that these Soldiers can support and grow with their families while they support military operations. All Army Activities 018/2023, more commonly referred to as ALARACT 018/2023, is the most recent effort...