Nevada Veteran's Coalition Honor Guard presents the... 03.19.2025 | Photo by Senior Master Sgt. Paula Macomber Nevada Veteran's Coalition Honor Guard presents the colors at the Nevada Veterans and Military Day at the Legislature (VAMDAL), March 19, 2025 at...
City of Sparks Mayor awarded with ESGR Patriot Award 01.27.2025 | Photo by Tech. Sgt. Albert Valladares Ed Lawson (right), Mayor of the City of Sparks, is awarded the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Service Member Patriot Award by...
152nd Airlift Wing arrives Dec. 18, 2024, in... 12.18.2024 | Photo by Senior Master Sgt. Paula Macomber The Nevada Air National Guard's High Rollers arrive in Antarctica Dec. 18, 2024, to support the annual U.S. military mission in Antarctica. They...
152nd Airlift Wing crew poses with Aircraft 553 on... 12.18.2024 | Photo by Senior Master Sgt. Paula Macomber The crew from Aircraft 553 assigned to the 152nd Airlift Wing, Nevada Air National Guard pose Dec. 18, 2024, on the continent of Antarctica after...
Three Chiefs and a plan 01.17.2025 | Photo by Tech. Sgt. Albert Valladares Chief Master Sgt. Paul Bright (Left), assigned to the 152nd Security Forces Squadron, discusses a effective plan with Chief Master Sgt. Joshua...
Staff Sgt. Angela Crawford awarded the Nevada Air... 01.12.2025 | Photo by Tech. Sgt. Albert Valladares Staff Sgt. Angela Crawford (second from the right) from Nevada State Headquarters, poses with (from left to right) Brig. Gen.l David Chauvin,...
Master Sgt. Marisa Moreno awarded the 2024 Nevada... 01.12.2025 | Photo by Tech. Sgt. Albert Valladares Master Sgt. Marisa Moreno, 1st Sgt. assigned to the 152nd Security Forces Squadron is presented with the 2024 First Sergeant of the Year award...
Nevada Air National Guard departs to fight... 01.11.2025 | Photo by Master Sgt. Garrett Wake Airmen with the 152nd Airlift Wing, Nevada Air National Guard, prepare C-130H aircraft equipped with the Modular Airborne Firefighting System...
Nevada Air National Guard Annual Awards Ceremony 01.12.2025 | Video by Master Sgt. Garrett Wake The Nevada Air National Guard held its annual awards ceremony January 12, 2025 at the Nevada Air National Guard base in Reno. The ceremony...
Nevada Air National Guard’s 152nd Airlift Wing... 01.10.2025 | Video by Senior Master Sgt. Paula Macomber Airmen from the 152nd Maintenance and Logistics Readiness Squadron, Nevada Air National Guard, load the Modular Airborne Firefighting System...
Staff Sergeant Arthur Davidson, Green Bay Packers 11.04.2024 | Courtesy Video Staff Sergeant Arthur Davidson with the 152nd Airlift Wing, Nevada Air National Guard, Nevada Air National Guard Base, Nev. provide shout-outs to...
Technical Sergeant Conor Goetsch, Minnesota Vikings 11.04.2024 | Courtesy Video Technical Sergeant Conor Goetsch with the 152nd Airlift Wing, Nevada Air National Guard, Nevada Air National Guard Base, Nev. provide shout-outs...
Senior Airman Elijah Robinson, San Francisco 49ers 11.04.2024 | Courtesy Video Senior Airman Elijah Robinson with the 152nd Airlift Wing, Nevada Air National Guard, Nevada Air National Guard Base, Nev. provide shout-outs to...
Staff Sergent Thomas Cox, Miami Dolphins 11.04.2024 | Courtesy Video Staff Sergent Thomas Cox with the 152nd Airlift Wing, Nevada Air National Guard, Nevada Air National Guard Base, Nev. provide shout-outs to...
Staff Sergent Jaden Collins, New England Patriots 11.04.2024 | Courtesy Video Staff Sergent Jaden Collins with the 152nd Airlift Wing, Nevada Air National Guard, Nevada Air National Guard Base, Nev. provide shout-outs to...
Veterans Day (NFL) shout-outs for to air on Nov 10th 11.03.2024 | Video by Master Sgt. Garrett Wake Five Airmen with the 152nd Airlift Wing, Nevada Air National Guard, Nevada Air National Guard Base, Nev. provide shout-outs to family, friends,...
Nevada Air National Guard’s 152nd Airlift Wing... 01.10.2025 | Story by Senior Master Sgt. Paula Macomber U.S. Northern Command has activated eight C-130 aircraft equipped with Modular Aerial Fire Fighting Systems (MAFFS) and associated personnel to...
152nd Airlift Wing successfully completes first... 12.18.2024 | Story by Senior Master Sgt. Paula Macomber The 152nd Airlift Wing “High Rollers” from the Nevada Air National Guard achieved a historic milestone by participating in Operation Deep...
Nevada Air National Guard performs continuity of... 09.25.2024 | Story by Senior Master Sgt. Paula Macomber The 152nd Airlift Wing, Nevada Air National Guard, performed a continuity of operations (COOP) and natural disaster exercise on Wednesday,...
Nevada Air Guard, University of Nevada, Reno... 08.22.2024 | Story by Senior Master Sgt. Paula Macomber To commemorate the University of Nevada, Reno’s 150th birthday, the 152nd Airlift Wing, Nevada Air National Guard, flew the university’s...
Nevada Air National Guard Activated to Assist with... 08.02.2024 | Story by Senior Master Sgt. Paula Macomber Reno, Nev.— The Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service has mobilized six Department of Defense C-130 aircraft equipped with Modular...
High Rollers Unite - Event Highlights Security... 06.09.2024 | Story by Senior Master Sgt. Paula Macomber The High Rollers Unite event, a key morale and team-building competition at the Nevada Air National Guard base, concluded with the Security Forces...
Airfield Revitalization Underway at Nevada Air... 04.07.2024 | Story by Senior Airman Jakob Ivanick The Nevada Air National Guard is currently enhancing the infrastructure of the base airfield through multiple construction projects. The current...
Nevada civic leaders fly with High Rollers 04.04.2024 | Story by Staff Sgt. Michelle Brooks The members of the 152nd Airlift Wing invited civic leaders from the surrounding communities to share the mission of the Nevada Air National Guard...
Meacham receives award from American Red Cross,... 09.18.2020 | Audio by Staff Sgt. Matthew Greiner Meacham receives award from American Red Cross, Northern Nevada
Air Force Birthday Flyer 09.09.2023 | Graphics by Senior Airman Jakob Ivanick This flyer is used to wish the Air Force Happy 76th Birthday. It's a photo illustration that features a design with the United States flag...