Resupply Sling Load 07.21.2024 | Photo by Maj. Ramah Knox Sgt. Salustia Valdez, Alpha Company, 334 Brigade Support Battalion, Infantry Platoon Battle Course, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry...
Different Careers Help Soldier Preform in and out... 07.20.2024 | Photo by Maj. Ramah Knox Sgt. Lauren Brandquest is a behavioral health technician assigned to Company C, 334th Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 34th...
Plotting During xCTC 07.17.2024 | Photo by Maj. Ramah Knox Spc. Kylee Britt Bravo Battery, 1-194 Field Artillery, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry Division, Iowa Army National Guard, plots a grid...
Infantry Platoon Battle Course 07.17.2024 | Photo by Maj. Ramah Knox Spc. Parker Pagel, Alpha Co, 168 Infantry Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry Division, Iowa Army National Guard, prepares for...
Infantry Platoon Battle Course 07.16.2024 | Photo by Maj. Ramah Knox Spc. Eric Lopez, Alpha Co, 168 Infantry Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry Division, Iowa Army National Guard, prepares for attacK...
Delivering Explosives 07.14.2024 | Photo by Maj. Ramah Knox Spc. Alex Deroos, Fox Company, 334 Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry Division, Iowa Army National Guard, operates...
Three siblings all currently serving in the 1-113th... 05.18.2024 | Photo by Maj. Ramah Knox The Juan-Medina siblings stand in front of the 2nd / 34th Infantry Brigade Combat Team Cavalry symbol in Sioux City Armory, Sioux City, Iowa. ...
Iowa National Guard prepares for xCTC 05.16.2024 | Photo by Sgt. Rachel White A soldier assigned to 1st Battalion, 168th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry Division, Iowa National Guard prepares to...
Spc. Madison Huggins Shout Out 10.11.2020 | Video by Maj. Sam Otto Spc. Madison Huggins shout out for her brothers wedding during the Ryder 7, Command Sgt. Maj. Matthew Strasser, ruck march.
Memorial Day 05.21.2020 | Video by Capt. Sam Otto Memorial Day video with Senior Airman Carter Holzerland, Avionics, communication and navigation, 185th Air Refueling Wing, Iowa Air National...
Private First Class Huggins, 68W 05.14.2020 | Video by Capt. Sam Otto Private First Class Madison Huggins enlisted in the Iowa Army National Guard as a 68W, Combat Medical Specialist. She has answered the call to...
Soldiers deliver boxes to Food Bank of Siouxland 05.05.2020 | Video by Capt. Sam Otto Video shows Soldiers of the Iowa Army National Guard, 2168th Transportation Company delivering boxes to the Food Bank of Siouxland in Sioux City,...
Iowa Regional Medical Coordination Centers... 04.10.2020 | Video by Capt. Sam Otto B-roll video and interviews from the Iowa National Guard Regional Medical Coordination Center region 4 in Council Bluffs, Iowa on April 10,...
Dam to Dam Afghanistan 06.04.2011 | Video by Sgt. Tim Beery B-Roll of the Dam to Dam race on Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan. Produced by Sgt. Tim Beery.
B-Co 1-168 Conducts Foot Patrol Finds Enemy Weapons... 05.28.2011 | Video by Sgt. Tim Beery and Staff Sgt. Ashlee J.L. Sherrill B-roll of B Company 1-168 Infantry conducting a dismount patrol after receiving enemy contact in Sultak Valley, Paktya Province, Afghanistan....
Clinic keeps Troops Movin! - No Graphics 05.04.2011 | Video by Sgt. Tim Beery News Package about the Task Force Red Bulls medical clinic located at Bagram Airfield. Day to day operations and medical work in the clinic...
Different Careers Blend to help Soldier Perform in... 07.21.2024 | Story by Maj. Ramah Knox Sgt. Lauren Brandquest is a behavioral health technician assigned to Company C, 334th Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 34th...
Three Siblings All Currently Serving in the 1-113th... 05.18.2024 | Story by Maj. Ramah Knox SIOUX CITY, IA – Three siblings all Private First Class’s are currently serving in the 1-113th Cavalry.
Iowa National Guard Solider headed to Olympic Trials 04.18.2024 | Story by Maj. Ramah Knox MOUNT PLEASANT, Ia. - Spc. Adaugo Nwachukwu, currently serving in the 224 Brigade Engineer Battalion (BEB) , 2/34 Infantry Brigade Combat Team...
Sergeant Major to Lieutenant: A Leap of Faith 04.06.2024 | Story by Staff Sgt. Rachel White “It’s fitting,” said Sgt. Maj. Matthew Strasser, the Command Senior Enlisted Leader of the Iowa National Guard. “We all knew he would do this just because of who he is.”
Network Exercise Readies Brigade for Future Operations 11.03.2023 | Story by Maj. Ramah Knox Gathering at the Iowa National Guard Readiness Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Nov. 3, the Signal teams across the 2nd / 34th Infantry Division...
Senior Enlisted Leader visits 185th ARW 08.20.2020 | Story by Maj. Sam Otto SIOUX CITY, IOWA – Command Senior Enlisted Leader for the Iowa National Guard, Command Sgt. Maj. Joseph Hjelmstad, came to the 185th Air...
Call center brings Army and Air Guard together 06.04.2020 | Story by Capt. Sam Otto Task Force West created a call center on the air base of the 185th Air Refueling Wing in Sioux City, Iowa by the request of the governor to assist...
Kapisa women’s leaders propose a new plan 06.07.2011 | Story by Staff Sgt. Ashlee J.L. Sherrill Kapisa women leaders met with coalition forces at the Kapisa Department of Women’s Affairs compound June 7 to discuss a new class to help poor...
Spcs. Austin and Felicia Hemphill - KRVN-AM 06.03.2011 | Audio by Maj. Michael Wunn Spcs. Austin and Felicia Hemphill, brother and sister, talk to a KRVN-AM reporter in Lexington, Neb., about being deployed together and their...
CW2 Matthew Shultz 11.26.2010 | Audio by Sgt. Tim Beery Sends a Christmas greeting to his family in Lake Stevens, Wash. and a shout out to the Nebraska Cornhuskers. Produced by Spc. Tim Beery.
Staff Sgt. Sean Cochran 11.26.2010 | Audio by Sgt. Tim Beery Sends a shout out to the Denver Broncos. Produced by Spc. Tim Beery.
Pfc. Courtney Greif 11.26.2010 | Audio by Sgt. Tim Beery Sends a shout out to her friends at Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa. generic. Produced by Spc. Tim Beery.
Chaplain (1st Lt.) Chad Mackie 11.26.2010 | Audio by Sgt. Tim Beery Sends a Christmas greeting to his family in Grundy Center, Iowa and a shout out to the University of Northern Iowa Panthers. Produced by Spc. Tim...
Spc. Tim Beery 11.26.2010 | Audio by Sgt. Tim Beery Sends a greeting to friends and family in Salt Lake City, Utah and a shout out to the University of Utah. Produced by Spc. Tim Beery.
Pfc. Sarah Bys 11.26.2010 | Audio by Sgt. Tim Beery Sends a Christmas greeting to her family in Pleasant Hill, Iowa. and a shout out to the Iowa Hawkeyes. Produced by Spc. Tim Beery.
Ryder Dispatch - 03.01.2011 03.01.2011 | Courtesy Publication Operation United Front, On the move, Ironhawk meets T-Hawk, Charlie Med. makes Kalagush home, Shoulder to shoulder, Security meeting heightens...
Ryder Dispatch - 01.31.2011 01.31.2011 | Courtesy Publication Company B 1-133rd Infantry delivers aid to Afghan villagers; Engineers learn there’s more than 1 way to a Soldier’s Heart; Deployed father,...
Ryder Dispatch - 12.31.2010 12.31.2010 | Courtesy Publication FRG spreads Christmas cheer; Life on COP Najil; 832nd Engineers train for new but familiar mission; Welcome to...the Ark; Recreation on the Front...
Ryder Dispatch - 11.01.2010 11.01.2010 | Courtesy Publication Red Bulls validate at NTC; Another form of PT; What’s on your mind... and on your Facebook; Training instills trust, confi dence in Red Bulls;...
Ryder Dispatch - 09.14.2010 09.14.2010 | Courtesy Publication Deployment, training through experienced eyes; Perfect Combination; Out of the Frying Pan Into the Fire, One Soldier’s reaction to deploying...
Ryder Dispatch - 08.21.2010 08.21.2010 | Courtesy Publication Infantryman ready to deploy; Gun bunnies knock out training; Vary up your PT routine with CrossFit; TCP: Traffic Control Point
Ryder Dispatch - 04.30.2010 04.30.2010 | Courtesy Publication Annual family conference scheduled; Newly inducted officers sacrifice for 'big picture'; Iowa Red Bulls on social media; I don't want to be a...
Ryder Dispatch - 03.01.2010 03.01.2010 | Courtesy Publication Soldiers to be paid for respite leave; 334th BSB mourns loss of young chaplain; Retention offering incentive pay