The Falcon Brigade traveled to the Joint Readiness Training Center on Fort Johnson in September 2023 to conduct a month-long training exercise in preparation of taking on the role of the Immediate Response Force within the 82nd Airborne Division, ready to answer the Nation's call at a moment's notice and deploy anywhere in the world in 18 hours. Through the exercise the Brigade was tested across multiple fronts, spectrums and domains of combat, tactics, logistics and communications as they simulated large scale combat and stability operations against a simulated opposing force and civilian population. These unique training exercises are extremely important to maneuver brigades as it allows them to test various approaches to achieving...
FORT BRAGG, N.C. (Aug. 28, 2018) -- Approximately 900 Paratroopers from across the 82nd Airborne Division participated in training and testing to earn the Expert Infantry Badge at Fort Bragg, North Carolina Aug. 13-31, 2018.
FORT BRAGG, N.C. (Aug. 13, 2017) -- Approximately 500 Paratroopers from 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division conducted a forcible parachute entry from Fort Bragg, North Carolina into White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico Aug. 5, 2018.
Msg. Cooke, father, and Cpl. Cooke, son, conducted an airborne operation together. The airborne operation was the 100th jump for Msg. Cooke and the first jump in the 82nd Abn. Div. for Cpl. Cooke.