Red Devils Extend to Become “Anvils” –... 09.10.2020 | Photo by Sgt. Sydney Mariette Chief Warrant Officer 2 Gage Matlock stands on the airfield during a customs container inspection, as the unit movement officer for Foxtrot...
Army Aviation Airfield Management - An Element of... 09.08.2020 | Photo by Sgt. Sydney Mariette Chief Warrant Officer 3 Ryan Taggart is an Air Traffic and Airspace Management Technician Warrant Officer with Headquarters and Headquarters...
Splish Splash at the Wash Rack 09.02.2020 | Photo by Sgt. Sydney Mariette Members of the 34th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade operate pressure washers at Kuwait Naval Base on September 2, 2020, with the purpose of...
Task Force Javelin Soldiers Receive Purple Heart 08.31.2020 | Photo by Sgt. Sydney Mariette Sgt. 1st Class Elmer Mayhew stands at attention as he is presented the Purple Heart medal from his brigade commander, Col. Greg Fix, on August 31,...
Meditating to Spiritual Resiliency 08.23.2020 | Photo by Sgt. Sydney Mariette Warrant Officer 1 Erik Hodge reads from a meditation book during the Buddhist group meditation session on August 24, 2020, at Camp Buehring,...
From Ground to the Air – Thirty One Years of... 08.20.2020 | Photo by Sgt. Sydney Mariette Chief Warrant Officer 5 Jason Wright sits in the cockpit of a CH-47 Chinook during a maintenance test flight on August 20, 2020, in Camp Buehring,...
Pfc. Vivianne Atencio, Chinook Mechanic 07.31.2020 | Photo by Sgt. Sydney Mariette Pfc. Vivianne Atencio applies her skills as a CH-47 Chinook maintainer while deployed to the Middle East with Delta Company, 1-189th General...
Sgt. Kayla Sampson, Flight Medic 07.30.2020 | Photo by Sgt. Sydney Mariette A medic bag hangs in the office of the Charlie Company, 2-238th General Support Aviation Battalion’s MEDEVAC office, in Camp Buehring, Kuwait on...
Minnesota Twins, Shout Outs, SGT Morgan Maidl 08.20.2020 | Video by Sgt. Sydney Mariette Sgt. Morgan Maidl with the 834th Aviation Support Battalion gives a shout out to the Minnesota Twins.
Minnesota Twins, Shout outs, SGT Alexandra Van Heel 08.20.2020 | Video by Sgt. Sydney Mariette Sgt. Alexandra Van Heel with the 834th Aviation Support Battalion gives a shout out to the Minnesota Twins.
Minnesota Twins, Shout Outs, SPC Cassidy Gilbertson 08.20.2020 | Video by Sgt. Sydney Mariette Spc. Cassidy Gilbertson with the 834th Aviation Support Battalion gives a shout out to the Minnesota Twins.
Minnesota Twins, Shout Outs, SPC Barron Solefack 08.20.2020 | Video by Sgt. Sydney Mariette Spc. Barron Solefack with the 834th Aviation Support Battalion gives a shout out to the Minnesota Twins.
Minnesota Twins, Shout Outs, CPT John Klein 08.20.2020 | Video by Sgt. Sydney Mariette Capt. John Klein with the 834th Aviation Support Battalion gives a shout out to the Minnesota Twins.
Minnesota Twins; Shout outs; SPC Derek Sime 08.20.2020 | Video by Sgt. Sydney Mariette Spc. Derek Sime with the 834th Aviation Support Battalion gives a shout out to the Minnesota Twins.
Minnesota Twins, Shout Outs, SSG Vincent Montez 08.19.2020 | Video by Sgt. Sydney Mariette Staff Sgt. Vincent Montez with Delta Company, 834th Aviation Support Battalion, 34th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade, gives a shout out to...
Minnesota Twins, Shout outs, SPC Alazae Washington 08.19.2020 | Video by Sgt. Sydney Mariette Spc. Alazae Washington with Headquarters & Headquarters Company, 834th Aviation Support Battalion, 34th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade,...
Red Devils Extend to Become “Anvils” –... 10.08.2020 | Story by Sgt. Sydney Mariette apt. Richard Hedin, Chief Warrant Officer 2 Gage Matlock, and Spc. Roman Hall bring perspectives from each professional track within the U.S. Army...
From Ground to the Air – Thirty One Years of... 08.27.2020 | Story by Capt. Chris Belland Spanning a career of over 30 years, Chief Warrant Officer 5 Jason Wright shares experiences working his way from the ground up – quite literally.
Meditating to Spiritual Resiliency 08.23.2020 | Story by Sgt. Sydney Mariette During the Red Devil's 2019-2020 deployment to the Middle East, Capt. Andrew Dahlstrom, company commander for the Headquarter Support Company,...
The Dubois Family Doubles Down 08.21.2020 | Story by Sgt. Sydney Mariette “My siblings are my best friends,” said Spc. Sarah Dubois, a Soldier with the 834th Aviation Support Battalion currently deployed to Camp...
Sgt. Kayla Sampson, Flight Medic 07.31.2020 | Story by Sgt. Sydney Mariette At the age of 21 years old, Sgt. Kayla Sampson is the youngest flight medic assigned with the Indiana National Guard MEDEVAC unit currently...
Pfc. Vivianne Atencio, Chinook Mechanic 07.31.2020 | Story by Sgt. Sydney Mariette Pfc. Vivianne Atencio applies her skills as a CH-47 Chinook maintainer while deployed to the Middle East with Delta Company, 1-189th General...
Red Devil Justice Earns Distinction 07.13.2020 | Story by Sgt. Sydney Mariette “When you’re a paralegal, you have a direct hand in justice,” said Spc. Cameron Kerkes. He says he finds a lot of purpose in the daily work...
Service in the Family 06.22.2020 | Story by Sgt. Sydney Mariette The Grams are not only a family by blood but are also brothers and sisters in arms. These four members of the Grams clan have all served in the...
Pfc. Nick Baum 02.24.2015 | Audio by 1st Lt. Holly Elkin Talks with a reporter from the Hastings Star Gazette about why he became a medic and getting the expert field medic badge.
Staff Sgt. Bunin 04.07.2009 | Courtesy Audio Talks to a reporter from Burnsville This Week about where he is stationed in Iraq, being in high school in Russia, living in Minnesota, what he...
Red Bull Soldiers 11.26.2008 | Courtesy Audio Minnesota music composer makes a sixty second 'spin' about Soldiers from Task Force 34, who are from 34th Combat Aviation Brigade in Minnesota and...
The Flightline - 05.03.2009 05.03.2009 | Courtesy Publication This document provides a brief history to highlight the many accomplishments of aviation Task Force 34 during OIF 08-10 and the dedicated Soldiers...
The Flightline - 02.06.2009 02.06.2009 | Courtesy Publication 2-641 AVN Regt.; Army Chaplains lead archeology tour in Land of Abraham; Minnesota Guardsmen historical hockey happenings; Super Bowl Sunday...
The Flightline - 01.06.2009 01.06.2009 | Courtesy Publication New Year Resolutions; 1-244 Helping Hands; Eagle Scout Shows His Support for Troops in Iraq; 834 ASB fuelers provide humanitarian...
The Flightline - 12.06.2008 12.06.2008 | Courtesy Publication T'was Christmas; Aviation History Month; TF 34 Chaplains host Thanksgiving Talent Show; Thanksgiving Day Another Way; It took a war to bless a...
The Flightline - 11.06.2008 11.06.2008 | Courtesy Publication Water Baptisms; Happy Birthday National Guard; CW4 Robert Burke; 834th Soldiers Receive CAB; 3-159 D. Co. Reenlistments; Texas...
The Flightline - 10.24.2008 10.24.2008 | Courtesy Publication Remembering "Red River 44" Port operations set Task Force 34 up for success Task Force 34 leaves their mark in Kuwait Rapid Reaction...