3rd Brigade Combat Team dedicates new memorial 04.14.2016 | Photo by Staff Sgt. Aaron Knowles Soldiers spend a moment viewing the new Fallen Heroes Memorial following the monuments dedication ceremony, on 14 April, at the National Infantry...
3rd Brigade Combat team cases colors 04.15.2016 | Photo by Staff Sgt. Aaron Knowles The 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, cased its colors during an inactivation ceremony, April 15th, at Fort Benning, Ga. After...
Task Force engineers get to work 03.03.2016 | Photo by Staff Sgt. Aaron Knowles Soldiers with the 1-28 Inf. Regt., 3rd BCT, 3rd ID, use an HMEE Type 1 vehicle to conduct road repair on Fort Benning March 3. The engineers...
Sledgehammer BCT hosts final Focus 03.08.2016 | Photo by Staff Sgt. Aaron Knowles Soldiers from TF 1-28 Inf. Regt., 3rd BCT, 3rd ID, pull security while participating in a live-fire exercise during Hammer Focus at the Digital...
Black Lions focus on road to NTC 02.11.2016 | Photo by Staff Sgt. Aaron Knowles Soldiers from TF 1-28, 3rd BCT, 3rd ID, assault a simulated object while participating in a situational-training exercise during Lion Focus at the...
Sledgehammer Soldiers support Columbus community 02.10.2016 | Photo by Staff Sgt. Aaron Knowles Soldiers of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, volunteer with Habitat for Humanity in Columbus, Ga, Feb. 10. Fourteen...
3rd BCT transitions into Task Force 12.11.2015 | Photo by Staff Sgt. Aaron Knowles Soldier of the 1st Battalion, 10th Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, stand ready to conduct the casing...
150 Sledgehammer Soldiers stay Army 10.16.2015 | Photo by Staff Sgt. Aaron Knowles Col. Michael J. Simmering, the brigade commander of the 3rd BCT, 3rd ID, awards the retention team of the Sledgehammer Brigade on Kelley Hill,...
Change of Command Ceremony 05.29.2015 | Video by Spc. Jordean Matthews 3rd Brigade welcomes a new Hammer 6 into the Sledgehammer family. VO: Specialist Jordean Matthews, 3ABCT, 3ID
Level I Combatives 05.14.2015 | Video by Spc. Jordean Matthews Sledgehammer Soldiers from 203rd BSB conduct Level I Combatives training on Fort Benning, GA. Soundbites from SSG Courtney Anderson,...
Rock Dirty Dozen 03.29.2015 | Video by Spc. Jordean Matthews Soldiers from 1st Battalion 10th Field Artillery get back to the basics training up on their basic soldier skills, warrior tasks and drills....
3ABCT 3ID 2015 ABB B-ROLL 04.28.2015 | Video by Spc. Jordean Matthews B-Roll of events from 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division.
Motorcycle Mentorship 04.17.2015 | Video by Spc. Jordean Matthews Sledgehammer Soldiers participate in a week long training of motorcycle safety.
Volunteer Ceremony 04.16.2015 | Video by Spc. Jordean Matthews FRG leaders and other supporters of 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division are honored at and awards ceremony
Earning the Title "Best Ranger" 04.13.2015 | Video by Spc. Jordean Matthews Soldiers from 2nd Squadron 69th Armored, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division compete in the Best Ranger Competition on Fort...
Weight Loss 03.27.2015 | Video by Spc. Jordean Matthews What do you do when one morning you wake up and realize your entire future is on a time limit? For one Soldier from 3rd Armored Brigade Combat...
3rd Brigade Combat team cases colors 04.15.2016 | Story by Staff Sgt. Aaron Knowles “We asked for one more hour” said the 3rd Brigade Commander Col. Michael J. Simmering April 15. Simmering was referring to the rain that had...
3rd Brigade Combat Team dedicates new memorial 04.14.2016 | Story by Staff Sgt. Aaron Knowles The Soldiers of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, dedicated a new memorial to their Fallen Heroes April 14 on the Memorial Walk...
Sledgehammer BCT hosts final Focus 03.10.2016 | Story by Staff Sgt. Aaron Knowles Soldiers of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, participated in a two-week exercise from Feb. 29 to March 11. The brigade-level...
Task Force engineers get to work 03.03.2016 | Story by Staff Sgt. Aaron Knowles Engineers of the 1st Battalion, Task Force 28th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, commenced road repair efforts...
Black Lions focus on road to NTC 02.19.2016 | Story by Staff Sgt. Aaron Knowles Vincent Lombardi, head coach of the Green Bay Packers in the 1960s, once said, “When the going gets tough, you get tougher, and then you win.”...
Sledgehammer Soldiers support Columbus community 02.10.2016 | Story by Staff Sgt. Aaron Knowles Soldiers of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, volunteered at a Habitat for Humanity event in Columbus, Georgia, Feb. 10.
3rd BCT transitions into Task Force 12.11.2015 | Story by Staff Sgt. Aaron Knowles As with all stories, there are two things that are definite.
150 Sledgehammer Soldiers stay Army 10.16.2015 | Story by Staff Sgt. Aaron Knowles One-hundred-and-fifty Sledgehammer Soldiers recited the oath of enlistment during a mass re-enlistment ceremony on Sledgehammer Field, on Kelley...
Gene Spillan 09.03.2008 | Courtesy Audio Talks to a reporter about his responsibilities in Iraq, where he is located in Iraq, working with for the security of Sadr City, the changes he...
Sgt. Maj. Hule 05.05.2008 | Courtesy Audio Talks to the Warren Ballentine show in Washington, D.C. about his duties while deployed and the progress of his mission in Iraq.
1st. Sgt. Parker 04.30.2008 | Courtesy Audio Talks to a WCEV reporter in Chicago, Ill. about his duties while deployed and the progress of his mission in Iraq.
Sgt. Maynard 04.25.2008 | Courtesy Audio Talks to a WCEV reporter in Chicago, IL, about his background, where his unit is stationed and their day to day activities, the Sons of Iraq, how...
Lt. Col. Marr 04.18.2008 | Courtesy Audio Talks to the Warren Ballentine show in Washington, D.C. about his duties while depolyed and media coverage of the war.
Maj. Cushing 04.12.2008 | Courtesy Audio Talks to a WBEN reporter in New York, about his current location in Iraq, where he is originally from, his military background, his job duties as...
Col. Grigsby 04.02.2008 | Courtesy Audio Talks to a Fox News Radio reporter in Washington, D.C., about changes in extremist activity in his area of responsibility since their mission...
Maj. Delgado 03.31.2008 | Courtesy Audio Talks to a WBEN reporter in New York, N.Y, about security and the troop surge in Baghdad, the economic situation in Baghdad and expresses his...
Sledgehammer Times - 10.06.2015 10.06.2015 | Courtesy Publication The Sledgehammer Times is published in the interest of the Service Members of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division. The...
Sledgehammer Times - 08.06.2015 08.06.2015 | Courtesy Publication A Quarterly Newsletter dedicated to the Soldiers of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, and dedicated to telling their stories.
Sledgehammer Times - 09.04.2014 09.04.2014 | Courtesy Publication Sledgehammer Times is a monthly newsletter for the soldiers, families and friends of 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team.
Sledgehammer Times - 04.10.2014 04.10.2014 | Courtesy Publication The Sledgehammer Times is a publication in the interest of the service member of the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division.
Sledgehammer Times - 03.03.2014 03.03.2014 | Courtesy Publication Sledgehammer Times is a monthly newsletter for the soldiers, families and friends of 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team.
Sledgehammer Times - 01.31.2014 01.31.2014 | Courtesy Publication Sledgehammer Times is a monthly newsletter for the soldiers, families and friends of 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team.
Sledgehammer Times - 12.19.2013 12.19.2013 | Courtesy Publication Sledgehammer Times is a monthly newsletter for the Soldiers, family and friends of the 3rd Amored Brigade Combat Team.