Always On Duty 10.24.2024 | Photo by Keri Anne Smialek Lt. Col. Lisa Jaster (left) and Pfc. Breanna Everton may be smiling at the National FFA Convention, but MWD Darko's watchful eyes remain alert at...
Lasso Lessons from an Army Cowboy 10.24.2024 | Photo by Keri Anne Smialek Army Specialist Ethan Crouch (right) is more than a Bareback Bronc Rodeo rider, he is also a Combat Medic 68W in the United States Army Reserve. ...
Career-Focused FFA Students 10.24.2024 | Photo by Keri Anne Smialek Alicia Nance (left), Education Services Specialist for the United States Army Recruiting Command, speaks to attendees at the 97th Annual Future...
EOD Suit Experience 10.22.2024 | Photo by Keri Anne Smialek Spc. Ross McBean (left) and Master Sgt. Lucas Applewhite helped attendees at the 97th Annual National Future Farmers of America (FFA) Convention...
Trying on an EOD Suit at National FFA 10.22.2024 | Photo by Keri Anne Smialek Master Sgt. Lucas Applewhite helps an attendee at the 97th Annual National Future Farmers of America (FFA) convention experience what it feels...
Maj. Raymond (Andy) Ainslie 10.23.2024 | Photo by Keri Anne Smialek Maj. Raymond "Andy" Ainslie, Marketing Officer for the United States Army Marketing and Engagement Brigade (MEB) celebrates a successful opening...
National FFA 2024 10.23.2024 | Photo by Keri Anne Smialek Staff Sgt. Jonathan Porter (left) and Sgt. 1st Class Donald Fulton, Army Recruiters with the Indy Metro South Recruiting Company, Indianapolis...
Army Recruiting Graduation 03.06.2024 | Photo by Keri Anne Smialek Newly appointed Army Recruiters listen to a graduation keynote address delivered by Third Recruiting Brigade Command Sergeant Major Hilda Garcia.
Army Education Specialists Engage Attendees During... 10.30.2024 | Story by Keri Anne Smialek Army Education Services Specialists speak to Teachers and Advisors at 97th Annual National Future Farmers of America (FFA) Convention and Expo
MOS Highlight: Army Food Inspector 10.17.2023 | Story by Keri Anne Smialek Army Specialist Ryan Mathis discusses his MOS during Field Training Exercises at Fort Campbell Kentucky