Capt. Hemalot Tatafu from 2nd Military Intelligence Battalion, 66th Military Intelligence Brigade, shares his heartfelt experience utilizing #ArmyEmergencyRelief to reunite with his Family during a time of urgent need.
Through the utilization of the #AER program, Tatafu and his Family of eight were granted the opportunity to return to Tonga and bid a final farewell to his mother. Tatafu received financial assistance from AER — the @usarmy's official #nonprofit — to cover most of the expenses of his journey back home.
"AER was willing to pay half of the remaining (travel) cost, and offered me an interest-free loan for the remaining amount," he said. "This made it possible for us to be in that room and experience those...
Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael R. Weimer awarded three garrisons Oct. 11 for having the highest participation rates in the third annual Army Emergency Relief active-duty competition.