This "Leadership Log" explores the  Aircraft Battle Damage Repair Engineering Office (AFLCMC Engineering Directorate), which is seeking junior officers to volunteer for its program.
ABDRE-trained officers restore flight capabilities to aircraft through structural analysis and calculations to repair damaged equipment fast, with the smallest team possible. Certified officers may apply for deployments or TDYs to utilize their skills in the field.
(U.S. Air Force video by Joe Danielewicz)
AFLCMC’s Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Special Operations Forces (ISR-SOF) Directorate marked the end of the Commando II’s production with a celebration for program team members.
ARLINGTON, Va. - The U.S. Senate recently confirmed the nomination for promotion of the leader of the Department of the Air Force’s Program Executive Office for Command, Control, Communications and Battle Management (DAF PEO C3BM).
EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. – An Air Force aerial networking capability currently being developed by the Department of the Air Force’s Program Executive Office for Command, Control, Communications and Battle Management’s DAF BATTLE NETWORK was tested during Emerald Flag 24-3, in October.
Exceptional Family Member Program practitioners discuss how the family assistance program works and how service members can access its resources across AFLCMC installations.