Sergeant Major of the Army Michael A. Weimer visits Grafenwoehr and Vilseck area to engage with unit leaders during his visit in Germany, on January 27, 2025. He interacted with unit core leaders to emphasize innovation and warfighting strategies, highlighting the Grafenwoehr Training Area's capability to train allies and partners within the European theater. (U.S. Army video by Sgt. Scyrrus Corregidor)
The 2nd Cavalry Regiment aims to create a culture where Soldiers understand that their well-being is important. In order to create this environment, the unit had to establish a command philosophy that could be embodied across their formation.
Soldiers must always be prepared physically and mentally for combat, so familiarity and proficiency with all assigned weapons systems may be the deciding factor in pushing back the enemy or providing cover fire as needed to get a comrade to safety.
To support III Corps and its missions, the 504th Military Intelligence Brigade has some of the best and brightest minds operating the Army's premier intelligence collection equipment. It is critical their equipment is professionally maintained and always mission ready.
With a new year under way, the 504th Military Intelligence Brigade remains postured as the "Always Ready Brigade." For the brigade's Soldiers, standing ready to assist is part of their mindset, on and off-post. Epitomizing Noncommissioned Officer leadership, one Soldier has taken the Creed of the Noncommissioned Officer to heart placing his Soldiers' needs above his own.