The Defense Security Cooperation Agencyā€™s Defense Security Cooperation University (DSCU) is pleased to announce the next stage of the phased launch of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Security Cooperation Workforce (SCW) Certification 2.0 Program. As of October 1, 2024, SCW members can map their Certification 2.0 course requirements by registering for fiscal year (FY) 2025 DSCU courses.
Twenty-six Locally Employed Staff (LES) members recently completed the Defense Security Cooperation Universityā€™s (DSCU) week-long Intermediate LES Course, held for the first time at DSCU facilities in the National Capital Region.
The Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS) and legal colleagues from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense (MOD) recently partnered to conduct a two-week proof of concept training course on operational law. The course was specifically tailored to train Ukrainian legal advisors providing operational law guidance to battlefield commanders.