In this latest Behind the Triad installment, Fort McCoy Garrison Commander Col. Sheyla Baez-Ramirez gives an update on items for January 2025. The commander highlights happenings on the installation for the month and describes some of the observances in January. “Behind the Triad” is an award-winning series of videos hosted by Fort McCoy Garrison commander that highlights the hard-working, behind-the-scenes employees around the installation who help make Fort McCoy the outstanding installation it is today, and it provides news and information for the Fort McCoy team. (U.S. Army Video by Claudia Neve, Fort McCoy Public Affairs Office)
A quarter of a millennia is not a long time when speaking of the universe, but it’s a significant amount of time when speaking in terms of a human life. This year the Army and its Chaplain Corps celebrate 250 years in service to the nation.
The central theme for the Army celebration is “This We’ll Defend.” The central theme for the Chaplain Corps celebration is “Celebrating 250 Years of Sacred Service.”