A barracks building from the 1600 block at Fort McCoy, Wis., is shown being moved Jan. 22, 2025, from the 1600 block to another area of the installation. Contractors are moving several buildings in January and February 2025. These buildings will eventually be reset at another area of the post so new construction can begin in their current location on new officer quarters. The contractor moving these buildings is Devooght Building Movers of Manitowoc, Wis. In 2023 during the first barracks move operations at Fort McCoy, that was the first time an effort like that took place at Fort McCoy, Fort McCoy officials said. Looking back, all five of the current buildings being moved were originally built 83 years ago in 1942 during the...
As part of the Army’s focus on providing a supportive and enriching environment through its quality-of-life initiatives, the new My Army Post Application (MAPA) was developed by the Army Futures Command Army Software Factory. The app aims to compile available services, programs and unit in-processing information within a single system to better inform installation stakeholders.