Carteret County Service Person of the Quarter 02.27.2025 | Story by Cpl. Jade Farrington The Carteret County Chamber of Commerce Military Affairs Committee recognized Lance Cpl. Matthew Freire, an aircraft avionics technician, assigned...
MCAS New River Go-Getter: Sgt. Jaxon Rondeau 03.04.2025 | Story by Lance Cpl. Alyssa DeCrane U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Jaxon T. Rondeau, a quality assurance and safety advisor with Station Ordnance, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron,...
D/82nd CAB Utilizes MCAS Cherry Point Airfield 02.25.2025 | Story by Lance Cpl. Lauralle Gavilanes U.S. Soldiers with Delta Company, 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, conducted expeditionary...
MCAS New River Go-Getter: Sgt. Rachel Hoffman 01.31.2025 | Story by Cpl. Yasmine De La Rosa U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Rachel Hoffman, chaplain assistant, Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) New River, has been named Go-Getter of the Month for...
The Final EGA 02.28.2025 | Story by Lance Cpl. William Horsley The Eagle, Globe, and Anchor symbolizes every Marine's transformation during recruit training. Accepting it is an honor, but giving it is an even...
Parris Island Revitalizes Leatherneck Square to... 02.20.2025 | Story by Cpl. Dakota Dodd As part of its ongoing commitment to providing top-tier training environments for its recruits, Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island is...
CPF&ES Personnel Receive Lifesaving Award 02.06.2025 | Story by D.S. Resch Today, Cherry Point Fire & Emergency Services personnel were recognized for their extraordinary bravery as they received Lifesaving Awards in a...
From the ground up 12.26.2024 | Story by Cpl. Jade Farrington Every year, thousands of U.S. Marines spend a week on the rifle range to complete annual rifle qualifications. For some Marines, the range is...
Nine year old awarded for lifesaving efforts 12.13.2024 | Photo by Lance Cpl. Isabella Renaud U.S. Marine Corps Col. Mark Bortnem, commanding officer, Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, greets Mallory Miller, Cameron McIntyresā€™ mother, at...
MCAS Beaufort Chapel Catholic Confirmation 01.19.2025 | Photo by Lance Cpl. Julius Hackney Church members at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort perform the concluding rites during a Catholic Mass at MCAS Beaufort, South Carolina, Jan. 19,...
Nine year old awarded for lifesaving efforts 12.13.2024 | Photo by Lance Cpl. Isabella Renaud Cameron McIntyre, poses for a photo with his award at Charles F. Bolden Elementary-Middle School on Laurel Bay, South Carolina, Dec. 13, 2024....
MCAS Beaufort HITT Workout 01.07.2025 | Photo by Lance Cpl. Julius Hackney U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. David Manzer II, Air Traffic Control Trainee, Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, conducts ammo can lifts during a...
Sea Island Rotary Club Meeting 01.14.2025 | Photo by Lance Cpl. Julius Hackney U.S. Marine Corps Col. Mark D. Bortnem, commanding officer, Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, shakes hands with a member of the Sea Island Rotary...
1st Marine Corps District - Educators Workshop 02.12.2025 | Photo by Lance Cpl. Julius Hackney U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Matthew Johnson, Instructor Pilot, Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron 501, Marine Aircraft Group 31, 2nd Marine...
Corporals Course 2-25 Graduation 02.05.2025 | Photo by Lance Cpl. Julius Hackney U.S. Marines with Corporals Course 2-25, Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Beaufort, prepare to be dismissed during Corporals Course 2-25 graduation...
Hotel Company Incentive Training 03.05.2025 | Photo by Lance Cpl. Donovan Melendez Sgt. Luke Boisselle, a drill instructor with Hotel Company, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion, conducts incentive training on Marine Corps Recruit...
Fox Company Body Sparring 02.27.2025 | Video by Pfc. Jaden Beardsley Recruits with Fox Company, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion, compete in a body sparring match during the Crucible on Marine Corps Recruit Depot...
MCAS Beaufort OUTRO 02.28.2025 | Video by Cpl. Delilah Romayor This animation was created for video usage on Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort. This animation was created using Adobe After Effects. (U.S....
Golf Company Combat Water Survival 02.25.2025 | Video by Pfc. Jaden Beardsley Recruits with Golf Company, 2nd Recruit Training battalion, conduct combat water survival qualification on Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris...
Fox Company Land Navigation 02.19.2025 | Video by Lance Cpl. Kenneth Johnson Recruits with Fox Company, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion, complete the Land Navigation Course during Basic Warrior Training on Marine Corps...
Golf Company Initial Drill 02.24.2025 | Video by Lance Cpl. Katrina Wallace Recruits with Golf Company, 2nd Recruit Battalion, conduct Initial Drill on Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, S.C., Feb. 24, 2025. Initial...
Delta Company Pick-up Day 02.21.2025 | Video by Pfc. Jaden Beardsley Recruits with Delta Company, 1st Recruit Training Battalion, meet their drill instructors on Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, S.C.,...
Lima Company MCMAP 02.18.2025 | Video by Pfc. Jaden Beardsley Recruits with Lima Company, 3rd Recruit Training Battalion, learn Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP) tan belt techniques on Marine Corps...
Parris Island Headquarters & Service Battalion... 02.13.2025 | Video by Lance Cpl. Katrina Wallace U.S. Marines and Sailors with Headquarters and Service Battalion, Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, S.C. participate in competitive events...
Proper Physical Training Attire 10.10.2024 | Graphics by Lance Cpl. Kristian Perez This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator on Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, Oct. 10, 2024, as a visual aid for proper...
Proper Physical Training Attire 10.10.2024 | Graphics by Lance Cpl. Kristian Perez This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator to inform service members and civilians of appropriate physical training attire and civilian...
SSgt Laney Sports Trading Card 10.09.2024 | Graphics by Cpl. Loriann Dauscher This graphic was created in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator highlighting U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Geoff Laney, North Carolinaā€™s...
Speed Limit Now 15 mph At All Gates 07.03.2024 | Graphics by Sgt. Andrew Skiver A new speed limit sign is posted at the Wilson Gate on Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, Feb. 6, 2025. To enhance safety and...
First Footprints: Indigenous Neusiok Tribe of... 05.20.2024 | Graphics by Cpl. Loriann Dauscher Honoring those who came before us: Prior to Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune becoming the amphibious base it is today, this areaā€™s earliest...
Christmas 02.12.2024 | Graphics by Lance Cpl. Rose Spencer This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator on Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, Dec. 14, 2023, to wish MCAS New River Merry...
Commander in Chief's Award for Installation... 12.18.2023 | Graphics by Lance Cpl. Kristian Perez This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator on Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, Dec. 18, 2023, as an iteration for the...
Christmas 12.14.2023 | Graphics by Lance Cpl. Kristian Perez This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator on Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, Dec. 14, 2023, to wish Camp Lejeune residents...
MCCS Homefront Academy The MCCS Lejeune-New River School Liaisons focus on all things education related for school-aged military connected students attached to MCB Camp...