Rock Siravo bio photo 09.19.2024 | Photo by Thomas Kreidel Siravo was recently awarded the Oreta B. Stinson Small Business Advocate Award as part of the 2024 Department of the Navy Acquisition Excellence...
NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Supports George Washington in... 04.25.2024 | Photo by Jim Kohler USS George Washington prepares to get underway from Naval Station Norfolk.
NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Supports George Washington in... 04.25.2024 | Photo by Jim Kohler USS George Washington (CVN 73) prepares to get underway from Norfolk.
NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Sailors Take Part in Elementary... 04.26.2024 | Photo by Jim Kohler Chief Logistics Specialist Krystal Belcher places a combination cover on a student's head during a career fair.
NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Supports Presidential Executive... 02.23.2024 | Photo by Thomas Kreidel The NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Cheatham Annex Warehousing Team completed a massive loadout last month in support of the Presidential Executive Order for...
RSO/ASD Oceana Awarded Blue "E" 03.03.2024 | Photo by Thomas Kreidel The NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Regional Supply Office (RSO) Oceana Team earned the 2023 Commander Naval Air Forces Ashore Supply Excellence Award (Blue “E”).
NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Engineering Assessment Team... 02.21.1777 | Photo by Jim Kohler Rickardo Smart of NAVSUP FLC Norfolk's Engineering Assesment Team conducts equipment validations aboard USS Cole (DDG 67) with Cole Sailor EM3...
NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Supports USS Gerald R. Ford... 01.17.2024 | Photo by Jim Kohler Logistics Support Representatives from NAVSUP FLC Norfolk with members of USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) Beach Detachment wait for the ship to arrive.
NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Power Hour 03.20.2025 | Video by Thomas Kreidel Power Hour allows NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Sailors to study at work, with subject matter experts for their upcoming advancement exams.
NAVSUP FLC Norfolk FEG flight deck hazardous duty pay 02.21.2025 | Video by Thomas Kreidel How to log flight deck hazardous duty pay
FEG flight deck hazardous duty pay 02.21.2025 | Video by Thomas Kreidel How to log in hazardous duty pay.
NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Salutes Veterans 11.09.2020 | Video by Thomas Kreidel NAVSUP FLC Norfolk thanks the veterans that help make up their team, and salutes vets everywhere.
HAPPY 245TH BIRTHDAY U.S. NAVY 10.09.2020 | Video by Thomas Kreidel The NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Team wishes the U.S. Navy a happy 245th birthday.
NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Obligates More than $ 3 Billion... 11.19.2024 | Story by Thomas Kreidel The NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center (FLC) Norfolk Contracting Department recently wrapped up a successful fiscal year 2024, obligating more than $3...
NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Supervisor Awarded for... 09.19.2024 | Story by Thomas Kreidel Rocco “Rock” Siravo, who serves as the contracting technical director for NAVSUP FLC Norfolk-Philadelphia Site’s Pentagon Support Division...
NAVSUP FLC Norfolk’s Contracting Department’s... 08.13.2024 | Story by NAVSUP FLC Norfolk OCC The Contracting Foundations Program Shapes Strong Contract Specialists and lays the Groundwork for Success.
Logistics Support Center Support Dwight D.... 07.14.2024 | Story by Thomas Kreidel When the ships got underway last year for their deployment, they were fully stocked and ready for sea, thanks in large part to the work of the...
NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Supports Ships and Sailors... 05.28.2024 | Story by Jim Kohler Contracting specialists from NAVSUP FLC Norfolk supported Navy units at Fleet Week New York.
NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Sailors Take Part in Elementary... 04.26.2024 | Story by Jim Kohler NAVSUP FLC Norfolk had a great time with children at an elementary school career fair. The command has a long standing relationship with Oceanair...
NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Supports George Washington in... 04.25.2024 | Story by Thomas Kreidel USS George Washington (CVN 73) departed Naval Station Norfolk April 25 for a deployment taking them to Yokosuka, Japan. For the logistics support...
NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Supports Bataan Amphibious Ready... 04.10.2024 | Story by Thomas Kreidel NAVSUP FLC Norfolk provided support to Bataan ARG during their most recent deployment.