Every one of our missions began with an engineering challenge! For nearly a century, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District has tackled everything from hydraulic mining impacts and military construction to flood management and climate resilience. Join us on a journey, from our origins overcoming obstacles to a future built on collaboration and innovation.
00:00 1. Introduction: 95 Years of Engineering Challenges
01:02 2. 1800s Mining Origins: Hydraulic Mining and Flood Management
01:33 3. 1930s A Rocky Start: Great Depression and New Deal Projects
01:56 4. 1940s – 1960s Civil Works Expansion: Dams and Recreation
02:44 5. 1940s – 1960s Military Support and Expansion: WWII and Beyond
03:54 6. 1970s...
Participants in San Francisco District’s Engineering with Nature Interactive Training Oct. 18, work as a project development team through a scenario where they try to reach consensus on nature-based or gray alternatives for their project as EWN Planning Team member Julie Beagle watches.