Air Force JROTC Experiences Hands-On Army Training... 02.18.2025 | Photo by Ichiro Tokashiki Kadena Air Base Air Force Junior ROTC cadets and instructors from the U.S. Army, Air Force and Marine Corps pose for a photo during joint-service...
Air Force JROTC Experiences Hands-On Army Training... 02.20.2025 | Photo by Natalie Stanley Kadena Air Base Airmen 1st Class Noah Medders, 18th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron aerospace medical technician, demonstrates how to treat...
Air Force JROTC Experiences Hands-On Army Training... 02.20.2025 | Photo by Natalie Stanley Yoshihito Higa, Torii Station Training Support Center, runs the weapons simulator for Kadena High School Air Force Junior Reserve Officers'...
Children develop friendship, understanding through... 02.22.2025 | Photo by Noriko Kudo American and Japanese children from Camp Zama and Sagamihara City play “rock, paper, scissors” during a cultural exchange program Feb. 22 at...
Air Force JROTC Experiences Hands-On Army Training... 02.19.2025 | Photo by Ichiro Tokashiki An 18th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron aerospace medical technician shows a Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps cadets how to apply a...
Camp Zama youth volunteer time to feed homeless in... 01.11.2025 | Photo by Noriko Kudo Members of Camp Zama’s Keystone Club prepare to provide hot food, snacks and other items to homeless people in Yokohama during a volunteer...
USAG Okinawa Torii Barracks Upgraded with Modern... 01.14.2025 | Photo by Natalie Stanley U.S. Army Garrison Okinawa Directorate of Public Works builds a new bed for a barrack’s room at Torii Station, Japan, on Jan. 14, 2025.
USAG Okinawa DPW Upgrades Barracks 07.22.2024 | Photo by Ichiro Tokashiki U.S. Army Garrison Okinawa Directorate of Public Works installed new barracks furniture at Torii Station in Okinawa , Japan, on Tuesday, July 23,...
Professional calligrapher teaches Camp Zama... 02.27.2025 | Video by Daisuke Sato A professional calligrapher taught Camp Zama community members the art of writing Japanese kanji with a free Camp Zama MWR workshop held here...
USAG Okinawa BOSS embarks on the first activity... 07.09.2020 | Video by Ichiro Tokashiki U.S. Army Garrison Okinawa Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers program hosted a sailing event at Torii Beach, Okinawa, Japan, on June 10,...
1-1 ADA Soldiers Conduct Warrior Challenge Training 08.08.2018 | Video by Ichiro Tokashiki The 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment (Patriot) conducted a Warrior Challenge training exercise at Torii Station, Okinawa, Japan,...
Soldier, civilian volunteers in Japan join... 02.11.2025 | Video by Daisuke Sato U.S. Army in Japan Soldiers, civilians, family members, local-national employees, and even a dog partnered with the neighboring city of Zama for a...
Army Chaplains in Japan Broaden Professional... 01.26.2025 | Video by Ayako Watsuji U.S. Army Japan conducted Unit Ministry Team training Jan. 22 on Camp Zama, inviting chaplains and religious affairs specialists assigned to units...
Zama Pulse Jan.- Feb. 2025 edition 02.04.2025 | Video by Daisuke Sato Here is the latest episode of the "Zama Pulse," the show with news highlights, community updates and features on Japanese culture! This month's...
U.S. Army medics hone skills alongside JGSDF... 02.04.2025 | Video by Daisuke Sato The Japan Ground Self-Defense Force’s Medical Service School recently hosted a joint “battlefield injury treatment” training event on Camp...
JGSDF members invite U.S. Soldiers to share in... 02.04.2025 | Video by Daisuke Sato Chanting echoed through gym while numbers of U.S. Army Japan Soldiers enjoyed pounding a mochi, known for Rice-cake during the Mochi pounding...
Air Force JROTC Experiences Hands-On Army Training... 02.28.2025 | Story by Natalie Stanley Torii Station, Japan – U.S. Army and Air Force teamed up to provide Kadena Air Base Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps cadets with...
Children develop friendship, understanding through... 02.22.2025 | Story by Noriko Kudo CAMP ZAMA, Japan – American and Japanese children forged friendships and gained a better understanding of each other through games, craftmaking...
Camp Zama youth volunteer time to feed homeless in... 02.13.2025 | Story by Noriko Kudo YOKOHAMA, Japan – Fifteen youths from Camp Zama volunteered their time last month to provide hot food, snacks and other items to about 150...
USAG Okinawa Torii Barracks Upgraded with Modern... 02.12.2025 | Story by Natalie Stanley TORII STATION, Okinawa, Japan -- U.S. Army Garrison Okinawa Department of Public Works is replacing outdated barracks furniture at Torii Station,...
USAG Okinawa Tests Hazmat Suit Readiness 01.08.2025 | Story by Natalie Stanley Torii Station, Japan -- U.S. Army Garrison Okinawa Fire and Emergency Services recently conducted their annual hazardous materials (hazmat) suit...
Sharing Holiday Cheer: USAG Okinawa Connects with... 12.19.2024 | Story by Natalie Stanley U.S. Army Garrison Okinawa volunteers brought the holiday spirit to Yomitan Village, Okinawa, Japan, on Dec. 19, 2024, with a special visit to a...
American, Japanese students share perspectives,... 12.19.2024 | Story by Noriko Kudo CAMP ZAMA, Japan – An event here brought about 50 American and Japanese teens together for two days of cultural exchange activities meant to...
BOSS Drives Car Care Skills at Torii Station 12.19.2024 | Story by Natalie Stanley Torii Station, Japan -- U.S. Army Garrison Okinawa’s Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers program hosted a car care event at the Torii Auto...
COL Gage Zama Heroes PSA 04.19.2018 | Audio by Robert Haynes Audio of COL Phil Gage, Commander, US Army Garrison Japan, inviting the community to attend the Zama Heroes Recognition Ceremony on April 23, 2018.
Rising Sun Weekly Email Dispatch - 01.27.2021 01.27.2021 | Courtesy Publication Entry form and head-and-shoulders photo for CATEGORY F: Clark Taylor Civilian Videographer of the Year.
Rising Sun Weekly Email Dispatch - 01.12.2021 01.12.2021 | Courtesy Publication Jose I. Sanchez Alonso KLW Submission (Cat F)
Rising Sun Weekly Email Dispatch - 06.17.2018 06.17.2018 | Courtesy Publication The Rising Sun Weekly Email Dispatch is a newsletter produced by U.S. Amy Garrison Japan Public Affairs and sent out electronically to Camp Zama...
Rising Sun Weekly Email Dispatch - 06.11.2018 06.11.2018 | Courtesy Publication The Rising Sun Weekly Email Dispatch is a newsletter produced by U.S. Amy Garrison Japan Public Affairs and sent out electronically to Camp Zama...
Rising Sun Weekly Email Dispatch - 06.04.2018 06.04.2018 | Courtesy Publication The Rising Sun Weekly Email Dispatch is a newsletter produced by U.S. Amy Garrison Japan Public Affairs and sent out electronically to Camp Zama...
Rising Sun Weekly Email Dispatch - 05.29.2018 05.29.2018 | Courtesy Publication The Rising Sun Weekly Email Dispatch is a newsletter produced by U.S. Amy Garrison Japan Public Affairs and sent out electronically to Camp Zama...
Rising Sun Weekly Email Dispatch - 05.21.2018 05.21.2018 | Courtesy Publication The Rising Sun Weekly Email Dispatch is a newsletter produced by U.S. Amy Garrison Japan Public Affairs and sent out electronically to Camp Zama...
Rising Sun Weekly Email Dispatch - 05.21.2018 05.21.2018 | Courtesy Publication The Rising Sun Weekly Email Dispatch is a newsletter produced by U.S. Amy Garrison Japan Public Affairs and sent out electronically to Camp Zama...
Rising Sun The monthly "Rising Sun" TV news program highlights the U.S. Army Japan's activities, events happening in U.S. Army Garrison Japan, and the...
TCCOR 09.12.2024 | Graphics by Ayumi Okouchi This is a banner for Tropical Cyclone Condition of Readiness (TCCOR). TCCOR identifies Tropical cyclone wind warnings levels. In order to make it...