On February 20th, 2025, the Tucson Rodeo parade celebrated its 100th anniversary. The weather was perfect for the two-mile event that shut down numerous streets in South Tucson. Over 2300 participants displayed their commemorative attire while on horseback and carriage. Just like previous years, members of B Troop 4th U.S. Cavalry (Memorial) came from Fort Huachuca to ride in this historic event.
Future Soldier, Abel Garza of Surprise Arizona proudly accepts the Oath of Enlistment from grandfather and retired Naval Officer. Phoenix, AZ, September 17th 2024.
Future Soldier, Abel Garza of Surprise Arizona proudly accepts the Oath of Enlistment from grandfather and retired Naval Officer. Phoenix, AZ, September 17th, 2024.
Phoenix, AZ native, Joint GS-9 Gabriel Betancourt
Betancourt is assigned to U.S. Army Recruiting Battalion - Phoenix, Off-Post, MD, and has 4 years of military service.
On July 31st 2024, members of the Phoenix Recruiting Battalion performed a reenlistment ceremony in grand fashion with the Ariona Diamondbacks. Sergent First Class Tommy Canez and Staff Sergent Jose Molina from the Goodyear recruiting station received the