USS America (LHA6) Conducts Tiger Cruise Damage... 03.05.2025 | Photo by Seaman Jeadan Andre 250305-N-QR506-1143 PHILIPPINE SEA (March 5, 2025) Damage Controlman 2nd Class Jose Estrellasosa, from New York, assigned to the forward-deployed...
USS America (LHA 6) Hosts Tiger Cruise 03.05.2025 | Photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Darian Lord 250305-N-PV363-1051 PHILIPPINE SEA (March 5, 2025) Airman Apprentice Derek Barringersmith, left, from Tucson, Arizona, and Airman Thomas Owen,...
USS America (LHA 6) Hosts Tiger Cruise 03.05.2025 | Photo by Seaman Jeadan Andre 250305-N-QR506-1050 PHILIPPINE SEA (March 5, 2025) Friends and family of Sailors assigned to the forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS...
Crew Serve Weapon Shoot aboard USS America (LHA 6) 03.05.2025 | Photo by Seaman Sam McNeely 250305-N-WJ234-1396 PHILIPPINE SEA (March 5, 2025) Sailors assigned to the forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) prepare to...
USS America (LHA 6) Conducts Tiger Cruise 03.04.2025 | Photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Darian Lord 250304-N-PV363-1007 PHILIPPINE SEA (March 4, 2025) Friends and family of Sailors assigned to the forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS...
USS America (LHA 6) Conducts Fueling at Sea with... 03.04.2025 | Photo by Seaman Jeadan Andre 250304-N-QR506-2009 PHILIPPINE SEA (March 4, 2025) Sailors assigned to the forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) observe...
Vertical Replenishment aboard USS America (LHA 6) 03.01.2025 | Photo by Seaman Sam McNeely 250301-N-WJ234-1099 PHILIPPINE SEA (March 1, 2025) A Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 25 MH-60S Seahawk participates in a vertical...
USS America (LHA 6) Conducts Aviation Firefighting... 02.28.2025 | Photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Amy Mullins PHILIPPINE SEA (Feb. 28, 2025) Sailors assigned to the forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) participate in an aviation...
USS America (LHA 6) Patrol 25.1 03.05.2025 | Video by Petty Officer 2nd Class Cole Pursley A recap of the forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) 25.1 patrol.
31st MEU Embarks aboard USS America (LHA 6) 01.26.2025 | Video by Seaman Kenneth Melseth 250126-N-TW227-1001 OKINAWA, Japan (Jan. 26, 2025) Marines assigned to the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) prepare to embark aboard the...
USS America (LHA 6) Conducts Replenishment at Sea... 01.16.2025 | Video by Seaman Kenneth Melseth 250116-N-TW227-1001 PHILIPPINE SEA, (Jan. 16, 2025) The forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) conducts a replenishment at...
Sea and Anchor Detail aboard USS America (LHA 6) 01.14.2025 | Video by Petty Officer 2nd Class Cole Pursley 250114-N-FC892-1006 SASEBO, Japan (Jan. 14, 2025) The forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) conducts sea and anchor...
USS America Celebrates 249th Marine Coprs Birthday 11.10.2024 | Video by Petty Officer 2nd Class Cole Pursley 241110-N-FC892-1001 SASEBO, Japan (November 10, 2024) The forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) celebrates the 249th Marine...
USS America Celebrates the 249th Birthday of the... 10.11.2024 | Video by Seaman Jeadan Andre USS America Celebrates the 249th Birthday of the U.S. Navy
USS America (LHA 6) Celebrates 10 Year... 10.11.2024 | Video by Petty Officer 2nd Class Sade Wallace USS America (LHA 6) 10 Year Commissioning Anniversary
Commandant of the Marine Corps Visits USS America... 09.06.2024 | Video by Seaman Kenneth Melseth 240907-N-TW227-1354 SOUTH KOREA STRAIT (Sept. 7, 2024) The 39th Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. Eric M. Smith, visited the forward-deployed...
USS America Hosts Tiger Cruise 03.05.2025 | Story by Seaman Kenneth Melseth When the USS America sets sail, nations take note. 44,971 tons of U.S. sovereign territory carving a path through the Philippine Sea is hard to...
Aircraft Maintenance Enables a Capable Aircraft for... 03.04.2025 | Story by Petty Officer 2nd Class Amy Mullins While Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron TWO FIVE (HSC-25) is embarked aboard USS America (LHA 6), the crew practices search and rescue (SAR) training...
Weekly Live Fire Training Aboard USS America (LHA... 02.18.2025 | Story by Petty Officer 2nd Class Sade Wallace As the flagship of the America Amphibious Ready Group, USS America (LHA 6) equips watch standers to develop and refine their small arms skillsets,...
Sailors and Marines Ready Their Casualty Response... 02.13.2025 | Story by Seaman Jeadan Andre Sailors and Marines aboard the forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) train to respond to casualties of all grades, in war...
USS America Conducts Change of Command Ceremony 01.09.2025 | Story by Lt. Carolina Fernandez SASEBO, Japan – Capt. Ethan Rule relieved Capt. Manny “K9” Pardo as commanding officer of the only forward-deployed amphibious assault ship,...
USS America (LHA 6) Awarded the ‘Battle E’ for... 05.17.2024 | Courtesy Story The forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS America received the 2023 Battle Effectiveness Award, May 17.
America Arrives in Osaka 02.27.2024 | Story by Lt. Beau Nickerson OSAKA, Japan – The forward-deployed amphibious assault carrier, USS America (LHA 6) with embarked Marines assigned to the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) arrived in Osaka, Japan, Feb. 27.
USS America Holds Change of Command 07.14.2023 | Story by Lt. Beau Nickerson Captain Manny Pardo relieved Capt. Shockey Snyder as commanding officer of the forward-deployed amphibious assault carrier, USS America (LHA 6),...
Times of America - 03.04.2025 03.04.2025 | Courtesy Publication March 2025 edition of the Times of America publication featuring news, photos, and command information for Sailors and Marines aboard USS AMERICA.
Letter from the Commanding Officer - 03.03.2025 03.03.2025 | Courtesy Publication March 2025 letter from CAPT Ethan Rule, Commanding Officer of USS AMERICA, to the crew and their families.
Letter from the Commanding Officer - 02.11.2025 02.11.2025 | Courtesy Publication Letter from CAPT Ethan Rule, Commanding Officer of USS AMERICA, to the crew and their families.
Times of America - 02.11.2025 02.11.2025 | Courtesy Publication February 2025 edition of the Times of America publication featuring news, photos, and command information for Sailors and Marines aboard USS AMERICA.
Times of America - 01.17.2025 01.17.2025 | Courtesy Publication January 2025 edition of the Times of America publication featuring news, photos, and command information for Sailors and Marines aboard USS AMERICA.
Letter from the Commanding Officer - 01.17.2025 01.17.2025 | Courtesy Publication Letter from CAPT Ethan Rule, Commanding Officer of USS AMERICA, to the crew and their families.
Times of America - 11.24.2024 11.24.2024 | Courtesy Publication Times of America, November 2024 Edition. America’s monthly publication designed to communicate news and command information to the crew and families.
Letter from the Commanding Officer - 11.23.2024 11.23.2024 | Courtesy Publication Letter from the Commanding Officer to families of Sailors and Marines aboard the ship. November 2024 edition.