Alabama Guard partners with BondFire Ranch 02.21.2025 | Photo by Sgt. Adena McCluskey Brian Eddy, owner of BondFire Ranch in Clanton, Alabama, speaks to Alabama Guardsmen and their colleagues about the activities the ranch has to...
Alabama Guard recognizes outstanding recruiters 02.19.2025 | Photo by Sgt. Adena McCluskey The 22nd Recruiting and Retention Battalion's Bravo Company poses for a group photo, Feb. 19, 2025, at Fort George Wallace. The 22nd Recruiting...
Alabama Guard initiates working group for mental... 02.19.2025 | Photo by Sgt. Adena McCluskey Darius Wyche, the Alabama National Guard's Integrated Prevention Coordinator, leads the first Community Prevention Coalition working group...
Alabama Guard recognizes newest general officer 02.13.2025 | Photo by Sgt. Adena McCluskey Brig. Gen. Andrew Conant's brother, a colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps, removes the cover to the one-star flag, Feb. 13, 2025, in his brother's...
Houston Hunter team presents bill to Alabama House... 02.12.2025 | Photo by Sgt. Adena McCluskey Members of the Houston Hunter Bill team pose for a photo, Feb. 12, 2025, at the Alabama State House before presenting the bill to the judiciary...
Terry J. Grisham promoted to Major General 02.11.2025 | Photo by Staff Sgt. Jaccob Hearn Maj. Gen. Terry L. Grisham marches with members of the official party at the start of his promotion ceremony on Feb. 12, 2025. Grisham now serves...
187th Fighter Wing hazardous material training exercise 02.09.2025 | Photo by Staff Sgt. Renee Crugnale U.S. Air National Guardsmen with the 187th Fighter Wing adjust their masks while training to prepare for different types of hazardous warfare in a...
Redtails conduct Chemical, Biological, Nuclear, and... 02.09.2025 | Photo by Tech. Sgt. Jeffery Foster Red Tails conduct Chemical, Biological, Nuclear, and High yield Explosives training at Dannelly Field, Alabama, February 9th, 2025. This training...
Alabama National Guard Best Warrior 2025 Pt. 2 02.12.2025 | Video by Staff Sgt. Jaccob Hearn Part 2 of 3: Soldiers and airmen from the Alabama National Guard and Romanian Armed Forces kicked off the intense weeklong competition.
Alabama National Guard Best Warrior 2025 Pt. 3 02.11.2025 | Video by Staff Sgt. Jaccob Hearn Part 2 of 3: Soldiers and airmen from the Alabama National Guard and Romanian Armed Forces kicked off the intense weeklong competition.
Guard It All: People 02.05.2025 | Video by Staff Sgt. Jaccob Hearn Guard It All answers the questions "What does it mean to be a Guardsman?" and "Why do we do it?"
Guard It All: Partnerships 02.05.2025 | Video by Staff Sgt. Jaccob Hearn Guard It All answers the questions "What does it mean to be a Guardsman?" and "Why do we do it?"
Guard It All:Readiness 02.05.2025 | Video by Staff Sgt. Jaccob Hearn Guard It All answers the questions "What does it mean to be a Guardsman?" and "Why do we do it?"
Alabama Medics train with OPFOR unit in Germany 02.05.2025 | Video by Staff Sgt. Jaccob Hearn The medics with the 129th Medical Company Area Support fully integrate into their assigned platoon in 1st Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment to...
Guard It All: Modernization 02.01.2025 | Video by Staff Sgt. Jaccob Hearn Guard It All answers the questions "What does it mean to be a Guardsman?" and "Why do we do it?"
117th Air Refueling Wing Airmen return home 01.30.2025 | Video by Paul Mann Airmen from the 117th Air Refueling Wing, Alabama Air National Guard, returned to Sumpter Smith Joint National Guard Base January 29th and 30th,...
Patrol, Shoot, Freeze, Repeat: Alabama Medics train... 02.17.2025 | Story by Staff Sgt. Jaccob Hearn For two weeks in Germany, no one saw the sun. Each new bitter morning, the unending gray, heavy skies of U.S. Army Garrison Hohenfels only...
117th ARW Unit Spotlight - Host Aviation Resource... 01.31.2025 | Story by Staff Sgt. Kasie Faddis This month’s Unit Spotlight is the Host Aviation Resource Management (HARM) and Squadron Aviation Resource Management (SARM) shop within the...
The 117th ARW's February 2025 Excellent Airman 01.31.2025 | Story by Staff Sgt. Kasie Faddis This month's Excellent Airman is Tech. Sgt. Caleb Quinsey, a Client Systems Technician within the 117th Communications Squadron!
117th ARW's February 2025 Excellent Airman 01.31.2025 | Story by Staff Sgt. Kasie Faddis This month’s Excellent Airman is Staff. Sgt. Osman Kargbo, Commander’s Support Staff with the 99th Air Refueling Squadron (ARS)!
117th ARW's January 2025 Excellent Airman 01.10.2025 | Story by Staff Sgt. Kasie Faddis This month’s Excellent Airman is Staff Sergeant Nicholas Faddis, the Unit Training Manager (UTM) and Unit Deployment Manager (UDM) for the 117th...
Unit Spotlight - Commander’s Support Staff 12.07.2024 | Story by Staff Sgt. Shelby Thurman This month’s Unit Spotlight is the Commander’s Support Staff (CSS), a section of the 117th Air Refueling Wing’s (ARW) Wing Staff!
151 miles of awareness 12.05.2024 | Story by Paul Mann SUMPTER SMITH JOINT NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Alabama — Operation Iron Ruck (OIR) is a 151-mile ruck hosted by veterans’ associations from two...
New ALNG bill addresses mental health safety... 11.19.2024 | Story by Sgt. Jordan Arnold Recently, The Houston Hunter bill was proposed that would add an extra layer of lethal means safety for veteran, military, and first responder gun owners struggling with suicidal ideations.
Alabama Guard Radio - Recruiting Unicorns 11.13.2024 | Audio by Staff Sgt. Jaccob Hearn We're going back to Megan's previous assignment in this episode that's all about recruiting. We found outstanding recruits, who have gone on to do...
Alabama Guard Radio - The Sanity in Sacrifice 09.30.2024 | Audio by Staff Sgt. Jaccob Hearn In episode 3, The Sanity in Sacrifice we hear from 1st Sgt. Robert Ray on the reality of post-deployment hardships, honest moments of questioning...
Alabama Guard Radio - The Next Hardest Thing 05.06.2024 | Audio by Staff Sgt. Jaccob Hearn How did Eric, a self described "directionless fat kid", who wasn't even eligible to enlist in the military re-create himself into a Special Forces...
Alabama Guard Radio - A Lasting Impact 04.02.2024 | Audio by Staff Sgt. Jaccob Hearn Sgt. Willie Jackson was an exemplary Soldier, someone who was looked up to and counted on until an accident changed the course of his life. With...
Physical Fitness Testing Returns 08.20.2021 | Audio by Staff Sgt. Wesley Jones Air Force Radio News 20 August 2021 B WITH THE HEADLINES FROM AIR FORCE RADIO NEWS I’M STAFF SERGEANT WES JONES {NAT SOUND} HEADS...
PFC Tyler Anderson 02.12.2015 | Courtesy Audio PFC Tyler Anderson talks to a Santa Barbara News-Press reporter about sending his girlfriend a greeting for Valentines Day.
Training support specialists, support troops on two... 06.05.2014 | Audio by Staff Sgt. Martin Dyson Training support specialists at Training Support Activity Europe provide training support to units and exercises in Europe and Africa.
Training to NATO standards 05.18.2014 | Audio by Staff Sgt. Martin Dyson 25 students from 13 countries took part in a three day course designed to standardize military training to one NATO standard.
RedTail Review - 10.26.2017 10.26.2017 | Courtesy Publication The quarterly magazine for the 187th Fighter Wing. The Official Newsletter of the 187th Fighter Wing, Home of the Tuskegee Airman Redtails
RedTail Review - 07.26.2017 07.26.2017 | Courtesy Publication The quarterly magazine for the 187th Fighter Wing. The Official Newsletter of the 187th Fighter Wing, Home of the Tuskegee Airman Redtails
RedTail Review - 05.18.2017 05.18.2017 | Courtesy Publication The Official Newsletter of the 187th Fighter Wing, Home of the Tuskegee Airman Redtails
RedTail Review - 11.30.2016 11.30.2016 | Courtesy Publication The quarterly magazine for the 187th Fighter Wing. The Official Newsletter of the 187th Fighter Wing, Home of the Tuskegee Airman Redtails
RedTail Review - 09.10.2016 09.10.2016 | Courtesy Publication The quarterly magazine for the 187th Fighter Wing. The Official Newsletter of the 187th Fighter Wing, Home of the Tuskegee Airman Redtails
Alabama Guard Radio Alabama Guard Radio (AGR) tells the true and unique stories of Alabama Guardsman. We cover it all, from personal stories with big emotions, to...
Armed Forces Day Thank You - 2022 05.21.2022 | Graphics by Spc. Mr. Mack Muzio A digital art piece depicting Alabama National Guard forces and vehicles moving across the field of view silhouetted against the setting sun. This...