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    Beale Lake fish Passage Project enhances partnership with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

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    Video by Staff Sgt. Taylor White 

    9th Reconnaissance Wing

    Through the collaboration of the Air Force and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Beale Lake was surveyed for removal of its dam, a move that could help fall-run Chinook salmon and endangered steelhead migrate further upstream to a good spawning and rearing habitat.

    (rushing water) - Part of how we got in this whole project is under the Sikes Act, where the Air Force and Fish and Wildlife Service work together to preserve and enhance the environment on military bases. When we did a study out here, we looked at what things could be done for salmon and steelhead to help with the environment on the base, and this was the biggest thing we came up with. Our overall project is trying to improve upstream passage for salmon and steelhead. So some of the really good areas for salmon and steelhead are upstream of here. So if we provide passage here, we're gonna get a lot better success for salmon and steelhead. - This is very exciting. Now we're going to do that over and over again. - The DOD, being a large landholder, is also got some of the highest percentages of endangered species on their land. And that's why this is so important, is because we are out there (pulls motor cord) protecting the land. (motor buzzes) I mean, we're also doing our mission as far as training and part of that mission is also taking care of our land so that you have a place to train on. And part of that is taking care of endangered species. - The Air Force also had the core of engineers come in and take a look at the dam, and there are some issues with it too. So the overall goal (water splashes) next summer will be to remove the dam. It's really more (motor buzzes) cost-effective to take the dam out and just let the fish naturally pass up through. The Air Force has been a great partner to work with on this. We've been able to work together and get some good things done for fish and wildlife resources on base. (jar rattles)


    Date Taken: 07.24.2019
    Date Posted: 07.24.2019 19:45
    Category: Newscasts
    Video ID: 698763
    VIRIN: 190710-F-WA182-001
    Filename: DOD_107048526
    Length: 00:01:32

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