Rear Adm. John Mauger, the First Coast Guard District commander, and Capt. Zeita Merchant, the Coast Guard Sector New York commander and Captain of the Port of New York, present crews and representatives of agencies that responded to the Sandy Ground, a Staten Island Ferry, fire that happened Dec. 22, 2022, with Public Service Commendation awards and Certificates of Merit at the Whitehall Ferry Terminal in New York City, March, 9. 2022. Captains and crew of the tug boats Paula Atwell, Robert Burton, Eastern Dawn, Mister Jim, Charles James, along with captains and crews from partner ferries, River Sprinter, Franklin Delano Roosevelt received Public Service Commendation awards for their efforts in towing the Sandy Ground out of oncoming vessel traffic. Captains and crew from the Sandy Ground, NYPD and FDNY received Certificates of Merit for their response to containing the fire and rescuing passengers from the disabled ferry.