U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force Chaplains from across the Department of Defense participate in the Jungle Religious Ministry Course (JREL) at the Jungle Warfare Training Center on Camp Gonsalves, Okinawa, Japan, April 8-12, 2024. JREL teaches Chaplains basic jungle survival skills, tactical rope suspension techniques, and land navigation tactics to enhance religious ministry skills in harsh jungle environments. (U.S. Marine Corps video by Lance Cpl. Giovanni Navarrette)
This video was made with footage from the films “For Thou Art With Me” 1967 by the U.S. Marine Corps Combat Pictorial Branch, “Yuletide Reflections” 1960 by the U.S. Navy's Chaplain Corps and “Colonel Chaplain Holland Hope travels to the U.S. Army special forces camp on Easter Sunday” 1967 as well as assets from a USMC enterprise licensed asset from Adobe Stock: “Authentic Super 8 Film Frame with Sprocket Hole and Film Edge Flare” by A Oleksii/stock.adobe.com, 16 Film frame authentic film scan by Stas/stock.adobe.com and “Ambient Somber Dream” by Resolute Audio/stock.adobe.com.
Date Taken: | 04.09.2024 |
Date Posted: | 06.12.2024 02:12 |
Category: | Video Productions |
Video ID: | 927090 |
VIRIN: | 240524-M-DY477-1001 |
Filename: | DOD_110376192 |
Length: | 00:07:53 |
Location: | OKINAWA, JP |
Downloads: | 4 |
High-Res. Downloads: | 4 |
Asset contains copyrighted material
Portions of the asset are subject to restrictions under U.S. copyright law and are not licensed for distribution. Please contact us for details.