In the animated series, "Witting and Unwitting", executive Marc Connors is overlooked for a promotion that goes to a colleague instead. Frustrated and disgruntled, Marc begins disrupting corporate operations in an effort to retaliate for his perceived rejection and cause as much damage to the company as he can, in secrecy.
In episode four, the inadvertent disclosure of DOD information is the final straw. New Chief Executive Officer, Sarah, is ready to take on the challenge of resetting the organization's security program.
Date Taken: | 10.23.2024 |
Date Posted: | 11.19.2024 09:25 |
Category: | Video Productions |
Video ID: | 944175 |
VIRIN: | 241023-D-BV744-1001 |
PIN: | 505774 |
Filename: | DOD_110692506 |
Length: | 00:03:32 |
Location: | US |
Downloads: | 4 |
High-Res. Downloads: | 4 |
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