"A Clean Christmas" is a heartfelt holiday drama about redemption, resilience, and the transformative power of love. The story follows Airman First Class Jack, a once-promising member of the Air National Guard who finds himself lost after a series of setbacks. Battling personal demons, Jack meets Emily, a spirited new Airman who reignites his hope and helps him rediscover the meaning of the season. Through moments of struggle, self-reflection, and love, Jack learns to rebuild his life and embrace the spirit of Christmas. With a touching message about perseverance and the strength to overcome, this film reminds us that the best gifts come from within.
Date Taken: | 12.16.2024 |
Date Posted: | 01.23.2025 13:25 |
Category: | PSA |
Video ID: | 950314 |
VIRIN: | 241216-F-HZ960-8850 |
Filename: | DOD_110779545 |
Length: | 00:03:33 |
Location: | US |
Downloads: | 1 |
High-Res. Downloads: | 1 |
This work, A Clean Christmas, by MSgt Amber Williams, MSgt Kelly Collett, MSgt Jonathan Young, MSgt Erik Gallion, TSgt Darby Arnold, TSgt Treven Cannon and MSgt Timothy Kinnan, identified by DVIDS, must comply with the restrictions shown on https://www.dvidshub.net/about/copyright.