Audio by Molly Cooke | Fort Stewart Public Affairs Office | 06.02.2023
The Atlantic Hurricane Season is June 1-Nov. 30. On this week's edition of the Marne Report podcast, Jeff from the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security offers some helpful tips on how to stay prepared!...
Audio by Collen McGee | Fort Riley Public Affairs Office | 06.02.2023
This episode brings you information about many of the fun MWR activities and resources available to help you and your family enjoy the outdoors....
Audio by Senior Airman Brooke Sorensen | AFN Aviano | 06.02.2023
A radio spot on the Aviano Base Pool summer 2023 season hours. (U.S. Air Force audio by Senior Airman Brooke Sorensen)
Audio by Seaman Emily Guillory | AFN Diego Garcia | 06.01.2023
Lt. Cmdr. Stephen Brown, Chaplain of U.S. Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia, speaks on his weekly radio show at American Forces Network Diego Garcia June 06, 2023. This episode’s discussion included objective morality and relativism....
Audio by Seaman Emily Guillory | AFN Diego Garcia | 06.01.2023
Lt Sara Giles, Fleet and Family Support Officer on U.S. Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia, speaks on her weekly radio show at American Forces Network Diego June 01 2023. This episode dove into the emotion of loneliness and how to cope with it....
Audio by Seaman Emily Guillory | AFN Diego Garcia | 06.01.2023
Eagle Radio News is the American Forces Network Diego Garcia’s official radio newscast. It is produced by U.S. Navy Sailors stationed onboard Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia. ERN airs hourly from AFN Diego Garcia on local radio and television services. This episode of ERN: Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia Conducts Group Sail 23....
Audio by Seaman Emily Guillory | AFN Diego Garcia | 06.01.2023
Description: Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Emily Guillory, assigned to American Forces Network Diego Garcia, speaks on morale boosting events available for the Sailors and civilians onboard NSF Diego Garcia. (U.S. Navy radio spot by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Emily Guillory/Released)...
Audio by Airman 1st Class Johnny Diaz | Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson | 06.01.2023
Audio recording of June 2023 Community Action Cast.