Audio by Molly Cooke | Fort Stewart Public Affairs Office | 02.17.2022
On this week's episode of The Marne Report podcast we sit down with the Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield Directorate of Emergency Services command team to talk about off limits establishments, hogs and fog and the trusted traveler program. Check it out on iTunes and Spotify today!...
Audio by Capt. Caleb McCary | U.S. Army Chaplain Corps | 02.17.2022
CH (CPT) Caleb McCary and CH (MAJ) Delana Small host CH (BG) William Green Jr., the Deputy Chief of Chaplains, to talk about the transformation of United States Army Chaplain Center and School into the United States Army Institute for Religious Leadership. We also ask CH Green about what goes into building healthy Army communities....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Jevon Smith | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 02.17.2022
Today's Story: A Game Changer for the F-15C.
Audio by Adam Reese | White House Communications Agency | 02.17.2022
Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Michael Regan Gaggle Aboard Air Force One
Audio by Lance Cpl. John Hall | Media Center - Japan | 02.17.2022
On this Pacific Pulse, Barksdale B-52s deploy to Indo-Pacific for Bomber Task Force, Coast Guard cutter Stratton visits Fiji during Operation Blue Pacific Patrol, U.S. and Bangladesh Air Forces Conduct Tactical Airlift Exercise Cope South 22....
Audio by Brandon Mejia | U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground | 02.17.2022
Host Mark Schauer talks about the science of geodesy with Ruben Hernandez of YPG's Engineering Support Branch. Schauer also visits with YPG Heritage Center Curator Bill Heidner about the post museum's future....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Frederick Brown | 9th Reconnaissance Wing | 02.16.2022
A Kaiserslautern Military Community Update for the K'Town American Forces Network Radio show. This KMC update includes information from the 86th Airlift Wing Commander on how troops can receive updated COVID-19 vaccines....
Audio by Airman Jill Maynus | 178th Wing | 02.16.2022
On this episode of Beyond the Horizon, we sit down with 178th Wing Commander Col. Dominic Fago to discuss his military career, his new role, and his thoughts on leadership. We hope you enjoy the show! You can connect with us on: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: You can write to us at:......