Audio by Maj. Wayne Clyne | Oregon National Guard Public Affairs Office | 01.28.2022
In this episode of 'Get a Sign,' Chief Master Sgt. Dan Conner, Oregon National Guard Command Senior Enlisted Leader, talks with Chief warrant officer (CW4) Ashley Alexander and 1st Sgt. Tasha Cruz from the 234th Oregon Army National Guard Band. See what the 234th "Oregon's Own" is up to at: U.S. Army National Guard Audio Engineering by Maj. W.......
Audio by Cpl. Soline Skrzypczak | Defense Media Activity - Marines | 01.28.2022
The Junior Enlisted Performance Evaluation System grants individual Marines the power to determine their future in the Marine Corps ranks. Knowing what the system entails allows Marines to organize their time and Marine Corps priorities in a way that benefits no only themselves but their unit and mission. (U.S. Marine Corps audio by Cpl. Soline Skrzypczak)...
Audio by Fonda Bock | U.S. Army Human Resources Command | 01.28.2022
A conversation with Officer of Personnel Management Directorate leaders about the Assignment Interactive Module 2 (AIM2), the talent management marketplace for officers....
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Charles Johnston | Joint Force Headquarters - New Hampshire National Guard | 01.28.2022
This episode of Your NH Guard features Sgt. 1st Class Rick Frost of New Hampshire National Guard Counterdrug Program. Frost details the program's mission, his specific role and how it supports local communities....
Audio by Donald Herrick | Fort Sill Public Affairs | 01.28.2022
The Fires Strong Podcast is an official product of the Fires Center of Excellence and Fort Sill’s Public Affairs Office. Fires Strong is a monthly podcast focused on highlighting and discussing topics affecting Artillery Professionals. In the first episode of the Fires Strong podcast, we interview Jay Khalifeh, Fort Sill’s Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) Manager. Jay talks about......
Audio by Molly Cooke | Fort Stewart Public Affairs Office | 01.28.2022
On this week's edition of The Marne Report podcast we chat with Capt. Kyla Nichols about the services offered through the Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield Tax Centers. If you're looking to maximize your return, you'll definitely want to set up an appointment to see them soon. Take a listen on iTunes and Spotify now!...
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Eric Mann | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 01.28.2022
Today's Story: Remotely Piloted, Electric Aircraft
Audio by Eliza Cantrell | Fort Belvoir Public Affairs | 01.28.2022
In this episode of the Belvoir In The Know Podcast, the Fort Belvoir Garrison Commander and Command Sergeant Major introduce the Garrison's new Housing Ombudsman, Ms. Alicia Luster. All Fort Belvoir residents are encouraged to reach out to Ms. Luster if they have housing concerns. She can be reached at her office number, 571-515-2055 or the Housing Hotline number, 571-259-9867. For......