Audio by Eliza Cantrell | Fort Belvoir Public Affairs | 01.28.2022
In this episode of the Belvoir In The Know Podcast, the Fort Belvoir Garrison Commander and Command Sergeant Major introduce the Garrison's new Housing Ombudsman, Ms. Alicia Luster. All Fort Belvoir residents are encouraged to reach out to Ms. Luster if they have housing concerns. She can be reached at her office number, 571-515-2055 or the Housing Hotline number, 571-259-9867. For......
Audio by Senior Airman Francesca Skridulis | 102nd Intelligence Wing | 01.28.2022
Chief Master Sgt. Kevin Myers, the Air National Guard’s Command First Sergeant and first sergeant functional area manager, and Staff Sgt. Michelle Princi, an all source intelligence analyst with the 102nd Operations Support Squadron, shared their experiences with mentorship and how it has ultimately shaped their careers....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Ryan Grossklag | AFN Kaiserslautern | 01.27.2022
Spot advertising the German Hunting Course hosted by Baumholder Outdoor Recreation
Audio by Master Sgt. Kristian Carter | 960th Cyberspace Wing | 01.27.2022
Frances Martinez, 960th Cyberspace Wing director of psychological health, discusses immigrating to the United States with Master Sgt. Chandler Walker, 960th CW inspector general office, and his wife from South Africa, Amy Jane, Jan. 27, 2022, at Joint Base San Antonio-Chapman Training Annex, Texas. (U.S. Air Force audio by Kristian Carter)...
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Shelby Hawkins | AFN Misawa | 01.27.2022
COVID-19 Omicron Variant update.
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Shelby Hawkins | AFN Misawa | 01.27.2022
A Misawa Radio Report thanking the 35th Medical Group on Misawa Air Base for their dedication during the COVID-19 pandemic....
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Shelby Hawkins | AFN Misawa | 01.27.2022
AFN Radio advertisement for AFN TV, AFNSports, and AFNSports2.
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Shelby Hawkins | AFN Misawa | 01.27.2022
AFN Radio advertisement for AFN TV, AFNSports and AFNSports2.