Audio by Tech. Sgt. Joshua Weaver | 434th Air Refueling Wing | 01.04.2022
On this episode of FUEL, Chief Parks sits down with Chief Master Sgt. Richard Scully to discuss his 35 year Air Force career that is coming to an end this month as he retires. Chief Scully spent his entire career with the exception of Basic Training and tech school at Grissom, and shares some of the valuable leadership lessons he learned over the years....
Courtesy Audio | Marine Corps Combat Development and Integration | 01.04.2022
BGen Watson, CG MCWL, is conducting an interview with Kimberly Underwood, Insight Magazine Senior Editor.
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Eric Mann | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 01.04.2022
Today's Story: Innovate, Accelerate, Thrive
Audio by Chief Petty Officer Crystalynn Kneen | U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters | 01.03.2022
Let's talk #CoastGuard with Admiral Linda Fagan! In episode #10 of the 1MC, we sit down with the Vice and talk about everything from new assets, missions, technology and cyber, to workforce challenges, mental health, and fitness! It's going to be a great episode! #newsyoucanuse #TheMC #Podcast...
Audio by Petty Officer 3rd Class Donovan Zeanah | Media Center - Japan | 01.03.2022
The Department of Defense awarded a 136 million dollar contract to establish nitrocellulose membrane production in the United States, The U.S. donates 3.3 million Pfizer vaccine doses to Indonesia, and the U.S. Embassy in Kuala Lumpur announced a 1 million Malaysian Ringgit donation to six non-governmental organizations helping people adversely affected by the covid-19 pandemic....
Audio by Aaron Schlein | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters | 01.03.2022
In this episode, we continue our Career Development series with host Aaron Schlein. Listen in and learn how working actively and intentionally to sell your skills and ideas to others will help you and your organization achieve success!...
Audio by Alyssa Hinckley | Joint Force Headquarters - Wyoming National Guard | 01.01.2022
Lt. Col. Liann Brenneman epitomizes the concept of the citizen-Soldier. As a traditional Soldier, she balances a busy civilian career along with her part-time military position in the Wyoming Army National Guard. Listen to find out what lessons Liann has learned throughout her career....
Audio by Keith C Lewis | Air Force Research Laboratory | 12.31.2021
Dr. Leah Rowe joins the podcast for a special double feature. Part one focuses on Dr. Rowe's work as an AFRL Research Psychologist focusing on adaptive training. Part two jumps forward one year to a second interview with Dr. Rowe as she supports the mission by working outside of AFRL through the Entrepreneurial Opportunities Program....