Audio by Staff Sgt. Jason McCasland | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 12.29.2021
Today’s Story: Sustaining the Pegasus
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office of Public Affairs - Visual Communications Division | 12.28.2021
The Connection Between Substance Misuse and Suicide. Kimbra talks with Dr Corso about the connection between Substance Misuse and suicidal ideation and how she was able to overcome her challenges and make a fulfilling career at CBP. By using abstinence and a support network, she was able to not only help herself, but fellow CBP employees....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Stephen Dornbos | AFN Bavaria | 12.28.2021
The message in this spot is to take control of frustrations and stress through the deliberate breathing.
Audio by Senior Airman Trevor Gordnier | Media Center - Japan | 12.28.2021
U.S. Navy Seabees construct two driveways for Naval Support Facility Diego Garcia, Alaska National Guard delivers gifts to remote villages for 66th year, and Carl Vinson CSG conducts holiday port call in Guam....
Audio by Airman 1st Class Garrett Hess | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 12.28.2021
Today's Story: A New Home for the Pegasus
Audio by Kristen Taylor | U.S. Army War College Public Affairs | 12.27.2021
This article explores the current debate about service and Joint operating concepts, starting with the Army’s multi-domain operations concept. It argues for adaptations to an old operational design technique—defeat mechanisms; updates to Joint and service planning doctrine; and discipline regarding emerging concepts. Rather than debate over attrition versus maneuver, combinations of a......
Audio by Shatara Riis | U.S. Army Human Resources Command | 12.27.2021
U.S. Army Human Resources Command Senior Enlisted Adviser Command Sgt. Maj. Anthony McAdoo shares a Year-In-Review for 2021 and expectations for 2022....
Audio by Riley Williams | U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground | 12.27.2021
In this episode: * U.S. Army Cold Regions Test Center Technical Director Jeff Lipscomb discusses cold weather evaluations of the equipment troops rely on. * Antiterrorism Officer Alfonzo Brown talks about the importance of vigilance in preventing terrorist attacks. * Contracting Officer Representative Keith Ware on his appointment to a local school board and his family's legacy of......