Audio by Staff Sgt. Edwin Pierce | | 06.27.2019
This is your DoD News Weekly Recap for June 24 - 28, 2019
Audio by Staff Sgt. Edwin Pierce | | 06.27.2019
This is your DoD News Daily for June 28, 2019
Audio by Staff Sgt. Edwin Pierce | | 06.27.2019
This is your DoD News Daily for June 27, 2019
Audio by Deborah Aragon and James Truitt | Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center | 06.27.2019
The tenth episode of "Inside AFIMSC" features host Deb Aragon talking with Col. Marc Adair about the Air Force's Healthy Food Initiative....
Audio by Adam Reese | U.S. Special Operations Command | 06.27.2019
Spc. Brent Garlic talks to a Military Times reporter about competing in the 2019 Warrior Games
Audio by Staff Sgt. Braden Anderson | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 06.27.2019
Today's story: The U.S. Air Force's Space and Missile Systems Center and its mission partners, NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association recently launched the DOD's Space Test Program-2, or STP-2 mission from the Kennedy Space Center's Launch Complex....
Audio by Spc. Chelsea Weaver | South Carolina National Guard | 06.27.2019
On this episode of the Palmetto Guardian we will be talking about the Chemical Corps Birthday, the Fourth of July as well as a historical figure from South Carolina. The Palmetto Guardian podcast is hosted by Spc. Chelsea Baker and Spc. David Erskine with the South Carolina National Guard Public Affairs office....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Health Agency | 06.26.2019
Dr. Julie Kinn and Dr. Christina Armstrong discuss the problems with excessive "screen time".