Audio by Senior Airman Susan Lee | AFN Kunsan | 04.03.2018
A spot encouraging listeners to quit smoking through the various resources the base offers that can help people who wish to stop take the first step forward....
Audio by Spc. Tomarius Roberts | AFN Kunsan | 04.03.2018
Wolf Pack University helps Airmen of the 8th Fighter Wing develop resiliency in the four Comprehensive Airman Fitness (CAF) domains: physical, mental, social, and spiritual...
Audio by Airman 1st Class Jerreht Harris | 27th Special Operations Wing | 04.03.2018
30 second Air Show promotional spot to be aired in the local area around the base.
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Debra Daco | AFN - Iwakuni | 04.03.2018
Iwakuni Radio News story of "MCAS Iwakuni Marines open fire at new paintball course (Package/Pkg)".
Audio by Staff Sgt. Nicholas Dastas | 97th Air Mobility Wing | 04.03.2018
Altus AFB's bulletin for the week of 4-4-18 to 4-10-18
Audio by Airman 1st Class Miguel Rosario | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 04.03.2018
Today's Stories: Applications for the 2018 Civilian Strategic Leadership program are due to the Air Force Personnel Center by May 1st. Also, the Air force has a program that helps military spouses interested in getting to know their installation and community resources....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Anastasia Tompkins | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 04.03.2018
Today's stories: Air Force officials are accepting nominations for the 2018 Civilian Strategic Leadership Program. Also, the Key Spouse Program is an official Air Force Unit Family Readiness Program designed to promote family resiliency and enhance community involvement....
Audio by Sgt. Annika Moody | Defense Media Activity - Marines | 04.03.2018
I'm Sergeant Annika Moody with your Marine Minute. Marines with Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force-Crisis Response-Africa conducted tactical recovery of aircraft and personnel or TRAP training at Naval Station Rota, Spain, March 28, 2018. The Marines are deployed to conduct crisis-response and theater-security operations in Europe and North Africa. Also in the Corps, Weapons......