Courtesy Audio | | 09.19.2014
℠2014 - Remembering those Americans still missing in action; battling stress with mixed martial arts; and Congress greenlights DOD's plan to battle ISIS....
Audio by Spc. Jonathan Hudson | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 09.19.2014
Junior officers in Germany are going above and beyond in the name of personal development; NATO exercise Noble Ledger is taking some cues from recent current events....
Courtesy Audio | | 09.19.2014
℠2014 - Marking National POW/MIA Recognition Day, Nobel Ledger helps shape the future NATO rapid response force and the Coast Guard intercepts millions of dollars in illegal drugs....
Courtesy Audio | | 09.19.2014
℠2014 - Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel welcomes Congressional action on the ISIL strategy, marking POW/MIA Day at the Pentagon and martial arts help wounded warriors heal....
Audio by Sgt. Nicholas J. De La Pena | AFN Afghanistan | 09.18.2014
Soldiers from SFAAT-200 and the 705th zone commander of the Afghan Border Patrol fly to Islam Kala, an ABP post, to conduct an inspection and key leader engagement....
Courtesy Audio | | 09.18.2014
℠2014 - Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said he and Commander In Chief Barack Obama received a briefing at CENTCOM headquarters on the U.S. military strategy, Commander of Air Combat Command discusses the downside of defense cuts and MMA combined with yoga helps veterans returning from deployment....
Audio by Spc. Jonathan Hudson | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 09.18.2014
POW and MIA are recognized for their sacrifice, Army equipment is often the difference between life and death.
Courtesy Audio | | 09.18.2014
℠2014 - Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel testifies on efforts to build a global coalition to defeat the ISIL terrorist group, U.S. and Republic of Korea troops join together for air assault drills in South Korea and Restoring Hope, a preview of part three of one Sailors experience coming back from the brink of suicide....