Audio by Sgt. Audrey Santana | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 10.01.2013
US government shutdown as of Oct. 1, 2013. Soldiers in Afghanistan teach Afghan National Army first aid as part of Train the Trainer program....
Audio by Sgt. Bryan Peterson | Regional Command Southwest | 10.01.2013
Lt. Hans Hulsebos, from Redlands, Calif. and Warwick, R.I., talks to a Warwick Beacon reporter about receiving the Ditch Medicine Award....
Audio by Sgt. Carl Greenwell | AFN Afghanistan | 10.01.2013
An inside look of the Train the Trainer medical program that U.S. and coalition forces are taking part in throughout Afghanistan to help prepare the Afghan National Army for the future....
Courtesy Audio | North Dakota National Guard Public Affairs | 09.30.2013
Staff Sgt. Corey Moen from Epping, N.D. talks to a Williston Daily Herald reporter about competing in a State marksmanship competition....
Audio by Sgt. Audrey Santana | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 09.30.2013
U.S. and Afghan Army medics work side by side, soldiers earn Expert Field Medical Badge in Grafenwoehr, Germany.
Audio by Sgt. Jacob Sawyer | Joint Multinational Readiness Center | 09.30.2013
Hohenfels, Germany, took part in U.S. Army Europe's Ready and Resilient Suicide Prevention Awareness Week.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Zachariah Lopez | AFN Afghanistan | 09.29.2013
Forward Operating Base Sharana finishes operations. Lead: Ad the drawdown of U.S. forces in Afghanistan continues, smaller forward operating bases are starting to close. Staff Sgt. Zach Lopez takes us to Forward Operating Base Sharana where they are closing up shop for good....
Courtesy Audio | 36th Wing | 09.28.2013
Giving back to the environment can be done in numerous ways. Airman Franchesca Pancham gives details on how volunteers on Andersen Air Force Base contributed in the 19th annual Guam International Coastal Clean Up....