Audio by Petty Officer 3rd Class Jonathan Klingenberg and Petty Officer 1st Class Sara Muir | U.S. Coast Guard District 17 | 08.01.2013
Deck Watch talks with Chief Petty Officer Nathan Fairchild of Coast Guard Communication Station Kodiak in Alaska about the discontinuation of emergency radio frequency 2182 kHz, Aug. 1, 2013. Deck Watch is a weekly five minute radio program covering Coast Guard news and operations throughout Alaska. U.S. Coast Guard audio by 17th District Public Affairs....
Audio by Cpl. Joshua DeFour | AFN Afghanistan | 08.01.2013
When the sun starts to go down in the Khyber Pass, servicemembers at the Khyber Joint Border Coordination Center set up a game of cricket. Marine corporal Joshua DeFour reports....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Marines | 08.01.2013
Lance Cpl Beer with 3rd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment from Bushnell, Ill. talks to a McDonough County Voice reporter about why he joined the Marines, how he got injured from sniper fire, and receiving the Purple Heart medal....
Audio by Sgt. David Rankin | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 08.01.2013
Soldiers participate in Exercise Shared Accord in South Africa. Staff Sgt. Carter and wife Shannan share their thoughts on the Battle of Cop Keating. MREs are switch their menu as of 2014....
Audio by Karen Nowowieski | | 08.01.2013
2013- Deputy Defense Secretary Ash Carter says sequestration has caused serious problems. 12 Soldiers at Fort Carson are recovering from a lightning strike. VCJCS ADM James Winnefeld announced the DoD will soon put out a directive to better hold offenders accountable....
Audio by 2nd Lt. John Parry | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 08.01.2013
Lance Cpl. Edin Jasarevic, Jacksonville, Fla., talks to a WTKF reporter about first joining the Marines after moving from Bosnia and his job in the Marine Corps purifying water....
Audio by 2nd Lt. John Parry | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 08.01.2013
Lance Cpl. Ryan Tamoush talks to the Radio Lia radio show, in Seattle, Wash., about his duties in the Marine Corps.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Michael Henrie | Air Combat Command | 07.31.2013
A 1994 Recording by the Heritage of America Band Woodwind Quintet. Recorded at the College of Albemarle in Elizabeth City, NC...