Audio by Lt. Col. David Deppmeier | U.S. Army Chaplain Corps | 08.02.2013
In June 2013, Chaplain Corps personnel managers held a teleconference with chaplain majors and lieutenant colonels. During this time, majors and lieutenant colonels asked questions about assignments and other personnel topics, and PER managers offered several tips. This segment defines “key assignments” and covers continuing overseas assignments....
Audio by Lt. Col. David Deppmeier | U.S. Army Chaplain Corps | 08.02.2013
In June 2013, Chaplain Corps personnel managers held a teleconference with chaplain majors and lieutenant colonels. During this time, majors and lieutenant colonel asked questions about assignments and other personnel topics, and PER managers offered several tips. This segment provides an overview of common shortfalls of BDE level chaplains in managing CPTs and outlines tips for writing OERs....
Audio by Lt. Col. David Deppmeier | U.S. Army Chaplain Corps | 08.02.2013
In June 2013, Chaplain Corps personnel managers held a teleconference with chaplain majors and lieutenant colonels. During this time, majors and lieutenant colonels asked questions about assignments and other personnel topics, and PER managers offered several tips. This segment covers evaluations and blocking in managing CH CPT careers and assignments: with a reminder that it is important not......
Audio by Lt. Col. David Deppmeier | U.S. Army Chaplain Corps | 08.02.2013
In June 2013, Chaplain Corps personnel managers held a teleconference with chaplain majors and lieutenant colonels. During this time, majors and lieutenant colonels asked questions about assignments and other personnel topics, and PER managers offered several tips. This segment addresses the current shortage of CPTs, managing inter-BN moves of CH CPTs, and highlights the importance of......
Audio by Sgt. David Rankin | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 08.02.2013
VCSA Gen. John Campbell meets with media in Fort Drum, about readiness and resiliency. VCSA Gen. Campbell speaks about sequestration. Staff Sgt. Luquan Smith volunteers time teaching class called 24-7 DAD....
Audio by Lt. Chad Dulac | Provincial Reconstruction Team Farah | 08.02.2013
Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Richter, from Sarasota, Fla., surface warfare officer, talks to the JT The Brick radio show on Fox Sports Game Time React, in Los Angeles, Calif., about his duties as the commanding officer of Provincial Reconstruction Team Farah in Afghanistan and his favorite sports teams....
Audio by Pfc. Christian Higgins | 209th Broadcast Operations Detachment | 08.01.2013
Joint forces learn the basics of air cargo handling
Audio by Sgt. Lloyd Harger | 209th Broadcast Operations Detachment | 08.01.2013
Soldiers use simulators to train and refresh their skills on the Rough Terrain Cargo Handler (RTCH) before moving to actual hands-on training in the vehicles...