Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Proper | 04.22.2013
Cultural Adaptation is a program on Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni that helps service members and their families immerse themselves in Japanese culture while stationed in Japan. Lance Corporal Amy Douglas joined Cultural Adaptation for one such trip. Soundbites include Nami Yamamoto - Youth Cultural Program Specialist and Kaitlynn Northam – Participant. Produced by LCpl Amy Douglas....
Audio by Master Sgt. Carmen Cheney | | 04.22.2013
2013 - Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel meets with Israeli President Shimon Peres in Jerusalem April 22, 2013-Audio.
Audio by Master Sgt. Carmen Cheney | | 04.22.2013
2013 - Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel meets with Israeli President Shimon Peres in Jerusalem April 22, 2013.
Audio by Master Sgt. Carmen Cheney | | 04.22.2013
2013 - Joint Press Conference - Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagle conducts a joint press conference with Israel's Defense Minister, Moshe Yaalon, in Israel, April 22, 2013....
Audio by Spc. Jonathan Hudson | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 04.22.2013
Cyclist make a grueling journey for a good cause, Dan Rather goes to Afghanistan to bring the story of retrograde to the American public....
Audio by Terry Turner | | 04.22.2013
Announcing an arms deal with Israel, preparing Afghans to defend themselves and the "Red Horses" ride home.
Courtesy Audio | 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division | 04.22.2013
Staff Sgt. Joseph Hudson, from Columbus, Ga., talks to a WTVM-TV reporter about why he joined the military and his duties as a fuel petroleum specialist deployed to Kuwait....
Audio by Sgt. Richard Perez | 11th Public Affairs Detachment | 04.22.2013
The Ride 2 Recovery Texas Challenge made its way through Fort Hood during its fifth annual cycling tour which went from San Antonio to Fort Worth....