Courtesy Audio | 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (AA) Public Affairs | 02.01.2013
Army SGT. Nathan Kennaley, from Salt Lake City, UT., talks to a Fox Sports Game Time React radio host about his duties and responsiblities while deployed to FOB Salerno, Afghanistan, the Superbowl, the San Francisco 49ers, his military history and he sends a message home to his family....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters | 01.31.2013
Petty Officer 1st Class Eric Bechtel discusses the Coast Guard Cutter SPAR's participation in Tailored Ship's Training Availability from Honolulu Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2013. Deck Watch is a weekly radio program covering Coast Guard news and operations throughout Alaska. U.S. Coast Guard audio by Coast Guard 17th District Public Affairs....
Audio by NMUSAF PA | National Museum of the U.S. Air Force | 01.31.2013
Air Force Special Operations Command historian Herbert A. Mason Jr. discusses the "Contributions USAF Special Operations Forces Have Made to the Development of Air and Space Power, 1942 to 2012."...
Audio by Cpl. Oscar Vasqueztorres | AFN Afghanistan | 01.31.2013
PRT Farah service members volunteer to check on the progress of a local children's feeding center.
Audio by Lance Cpl. Oscar Vasqueztorres | AFN Afghanistan | 01.31.2013
Army Captain Jacob Estrada reads to his little girls every night, and he's not gonna let a deployment to Afghanistan stop that. United Through Reading helps make that happen....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Xaime Hernandez | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 01.31.2013
Sergeant Major of the Army discusses plans to implement women in combat, War on Terrorism's first quadruple amputee has high hopes for fellow amputees....
Audio by Terry Turner | | 01.31.2013
Defense Secretary nominee Chuck Hagel faces his Senate confirmation hearing, searchers recover the body of missing F-16 pilot and U.S. Air Force and RAF pilots team up on Exercise Western Zyphyr....
Audio by Capt. Alfred Reynolds | I Marine Expeditionary Force | 01.31.2013
Marine Cpl. Brandon C. Harper, from Detroit, Mich., talks to a KCDZ 107.7 FM Online reporter, in Joshua Tree, Calif., about his duties as an administrative clerk during this deployment to Afghanistan....