Audio by Terry Turner | | 11.01.2012
The Navy is ready to help with hurricane response if tasked, National Guardsmen rescue storm survivors in New Jersey and troops weigh the cost of war in Afghanistan....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Proper | 10.31.2012
Serving 26 years in the military is not a small feat. Airman First Class Terace Garnier tells us about a Command Chief Master Sergeant who celebrates 26 years of service. Produced by A1C Terace Garnier....
Audio by Lance Cpl. Trevor Phillips | AFN - Iwakuni | 10.31.2012
The Single Marine Program aboard Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni hosted a party in celebration of Halloween. Marines from all across base came together to enjoy free food, games, and a raffle. Lance Corporal Trevor Phillips put on his costume to bring you the story. Soundbites include Pamela Young – Operations Assistant, Single Marine Program and LCpl Tylor Murlin – MALS-12. Produced by......
Audio by Sgt. Jenie Fisher | NATO Special Operations Component Command-Afghanistan | 10.31.2012
Pashtu radio release: In Wardak province, Afghanistan, lays rugged and mountainous Chak District: an insurgent hotbed and an area that's received little attention from security forces in the past ... until now....
Audio by Sgt. Jenie Fisher | NATO Special Operations Component Command-Afghanistan | 10.31.2012
Radio release of Afghans conducted the largest commanod operation in Afghanistan.
Audio by Sgt. Jenie Fisher | NATO Special Operations Component Command-Afghanistan | 10.31.2012
A radio release in Dari of Afghans conducting the largest commando operation in Afghanistan
Courtesy Audio | Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment | 10.31.2012
Corporal Nick Kimmel, Wounded Warrior Battalion, talks to Fox Sports React about his experience being wounded, and his favorite sports team....
Audio by Scott Williams | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 10.31.2012
Hurricane Sandy hits and Army National Guard responds. Gail McCabe reports from Afghanistan on Security Forces in Kabul. Warrior Transistion Center reports outstanding numbers in returning troops to duty....