Audio by 1st Lt. David David | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 10.18.2012
Petty Officer 2nd Class (HM2) Antonio Saenz, from Chaparral, N.M., talks to a WTKF-FM reporter about his duties supervising other Navy hospital corpsmen providing medical treatment to Marines wounded in combat during his deployment to Afghanistan....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters | 10.17.2012
The mayday call to Coast Guard Sector Anchorage, Alaska, from Matt Palmer as the boat he and three others were on was sinking in Prince William Sound Sept. 20, 2012. Palmer's call sparked a search and rescue response that located all four hunters on a beach northwest of Cordova and safely returned them to Cordova. U.S. Coast Guard audio...
Courtesy Audio | AFN Okinawa | 10.17.2012
The Jungle Warfare Training Center is the DOD’s only designed area to teach the critical skills needed to survive in the harsh jungle environment. Lance Corporal Tyler Mitchell takes us to the Jungle Warfare Training Center, where Marines, Sailors and Airman practice search and rescue. Soundbites include Capt. Thomas Carpenter - Operations Officer JWTC. Produced by LCpl Tyler Mitchell....
Audio by Sgt. Susan Noga | AFN Afghanistan | 10.17.2012
Education levels and capacity are on of the greatest impediments to growth in Zabul province in southern Afghanistan. The U.S. demonstrates its' enduring support to the people with a ceremony which will celebrate what is hoped to be the beginning of the end of illiteracy in the Pashtun region. The emphasis is the value of education to all people regardless of where they live or their social......
Audio by Jason Chudy | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Far East District | 10.17.2012
Far East District News Minute
Audio by Jason Chudy | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Far East District | 10.17.2012
Far East District News Minute
Audio by Jason Chudy | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Far East District | 10.17.2012
Far East District News Minute
Audio by Jason Chudy | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Far East District | 10.17.2012
Far East District News Minute