Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael De Nyse | U.S. Coast Guard District 7 | 10.05.2012
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Cmdr. James Passarelli, commanding officer of Coast Guard Cutter Confidence, homported in Cape Canaveral, speaks Oct. 5, 2012 of the crew's missions and efforts during their latest narcotics seizure. The crews of the Coast Guard Cutters Confidence and Cutter Dauntless intercepted a 30-foot vessel suspected of smuggling narcotics Aug. 17, south of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.......
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Robert Wilson | | 10.05.2012
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey conducts a town hall meeting at Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor, Wash....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Proper | 10.05.2012
CMDCM Matthew Danforth talks to Pittsburgh Tribune about his duties and responsibilities.
Courtesy Audio | DMA Social Media | 10.05.2012
Are you a history buff? What about Naval history in particular? If so, listen to the roundtable we hosted Oct. 5, with Capt. Henry J. Hendrix II, Director of the Naval History and Heritage Command. Naval History and Heritage Command's mission is to collect, preserve, protect and make available the artifacts, documents, and art that best embody our naval history and heritage for present and......
Courtesy Audio | DMA Social Media | 10.05.2012
There are many people overseas or in places where voting may not be made easy. Lucky for them, there is the Federal Voting Assistance Program. On Oct. 5, we hosted Pamela Mitchell, acting director of the Federal Voting Assistance program who discussed the department's efforts to inform voters of their right to vote and the availability of tools, resources, and information for absentee service......
Audio by Terry Turner | | 10.05.2012
The Navy commissions its newest destroyer this weekend. It will be named after Lt. Michael Murphy, who received the Medal of Honor after sacrificing his life to save his fellow Navy SEALS....
Courtesy Audio | DMA Social Media | 10.05.2012
Following 15 months as Commander of the International Security Assistance Forces, U.S. Marine Corps Gen. John Allen says Afghan National Security Forces are close to the goal of leading security for the Afghan people on their own. October is Cyber Security Awareness Month, and the DoD is doing it's best to educate you about how to stay secure in the cyber environment. Mr. Dave DeVries - DoD......
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Robert Wilson | | 10.05.2012
Commander, U.S. Cyber Command Gen. Keith Alexander delivers remarks at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Cybersecurity Summit in Washington, D.C. emphasizing NSA's mission, cyber threats, and cyber opportunities....