Audio by Tech. Sgt. Lisa Carlson | 379th Air Expeditionary Wing | 02.26.2012
B-1 achieves 10,000 combat sorties milestone Date: Feb 27, 2012 Title: SWA’s B1 10K Combat Sortie Subtitle: B-1s 10, 000 Combat Sortie from Southwest Asia Producer: Tech. Sgt. Lisa Carlson, 379th AEW/Public Affairs Name: 120227-SWA’s B1 10K Combat Sortie Keywords: 379 AEW, 379, 379th, AEW, Southwest Asia, SWA, Grand Slam wing, Triangle K, Air Expeditionary Wing, B-1, B1, Bone, Lancer,......
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Joe Laws | 49th Wing | 02.25.2012
Staff Sgt. Lionel Garcia talks to San Antonio Express about how his military training made it possible to assist in a roadside accident....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - | 02.24.2012
The Military Saves campaign is working to get service members and military families on their best financial footing. Barbara Thompson, director for the Office of Family Policy for Children and Youth, explains some of the financial planning and readiness tools available through Military Saves. Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter visited NATO and Afghan leaders in Kabul to discuss the......
Courtesy Audio | | 02.24.2012
Coast Guard Commandant ADM Robert Papp delivers the 2012 State of the Coast Guard Address at Coast Guard Island Alameda, California....
Courtesy Audio | | 02.24.2012
Marines continue training following a deadly helicopter collision in Arizona.
Audio by Cpl. Tia Nagle | AFN Afghanistan | 02.24.2012
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technicians locate, identify and dispose of all forms of explosives, but they can't be everywhere at once. That's why they take an active role training their fellow soldiers in Afghanistan. Marine Corporal Tia Nagle was with the technicians for a day of training. Soundbite includes SGT. Wayne Erickson - EOD Technician, 760th EOD. Produced by Cpl. Tia Nagle....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Xaime Hernandez | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 02.24.2012
Afghan soldiers learn special skills to combat improvised explosive devices; A soldier becomes a citizen while deployed to Afghanistan....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Tiffany Carter | Marine Corps Air Station Miramar | 02.24.2012
Marine Sgt. Andrew Tate from Dayton, WA., talks with a Fox Sports Game Time React reporter about his current duties and responsibilities while deployed to Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan, why he joined the Marines and the Seattle Seahawks....