Courtesy Audio | Office of the Chief of Public Affairs | 02.23.2012
"The Army Profession" featuring the Sergeant Major of the U.S. Army - Sergeant Major Raymond F. Chandler, III.
Courtesy Audio | First Army Division East | 02.23.2012
Capt. Micah Turner, from Carney, Okla., talks to a Crawford Broadcasting reporter, for their Hero of the Week segment, about his role in the culminating training exercises used before service members leave on a deployment....
Audio by 1st Lt. David David | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 02.23.2012
1st. Lt. D. Oliver David talks to a WTKF-FM reporter, in Atlantic, N.C., about his duties as a public affairs officer for Regimental Combat Team 6 during his deployment to Forward Operating Base Delaram II, Afghanistan....
Audio by 1st Lt. David David | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 02.23.2012
Gunnery Sgt. Benjamin Jones, from Erie, Pa., talks to a WTKF-FM reporter, in Atlantic, N.C., about his duties as career planner (human resources) for his command during his deployment to Forward Operating Base Delaram II, Afghanistan....
Courtesy Audio | 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 11th Airborne Division Public Affairs | 02.23.2012
How paratroopers from Task Force Spartan are living on Forward Operating Base Salerno. In today's episode of Base Alpha Kilo Radio, Winn Mete talks with Sgt. Robbie Patterson, building and housing manager for FOB Salerno....
Courtesy Audio | | 02.22.2012
ISAF Spokesperson BG Carsten Jacobson briefs the Pentagon media via satellite from Afghanistan.
Courtesy Audio | | 02.22.2012
Supreme Court takes up Stolen Valor Act of 2005
Courtesy Audio | | 02.22.2012
An update on governance and reconstruction from the Director, International Security Assistance Force's Force Reintegration Cell, MajGen David Hook (Royal Marines) via satellite from Afghanistan....